Dear Ones
Happy weekend to you. We are packing up to go home after the beautiful wedding of our granddaughter yesterday. All went well and Kurt gave them, and all of us, good and motivating words to begin their marriage. What a joy it was to be present! Before we leave, we are meeting for breakfast with a precious couple who are celebrating their first anniversary and then will be heading home. Prayers appreciated.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I read on Facebook a catchy article called DON’T GET MARRIED IF, and it went on to say many things that hinder someone from being a good marriage partner. Well, we have just been to the beautiful wedding of our granddaughter Paige and her now husband Devin and it was a joyous occasion for they were both ready. They know one another well, even their ups and downs, for they have gone together for 6 years and are choosing marriage to share their lives until death parts them.
   So, I will put a positive spin on what I read and share about when someone is mature and ready for marriage. After all it wouldn’t be fun to be married to someone who wants to always be the center of attention and immature and can’t seem to delay gratification. Wouldn’t we all rather marry someone who is selfless and has their heart open to us?  With Paige and Devin, we see such openness and togetherness and have never heard them speak negatively about each other for they see the best.
With maturity both partners need to be united and strong enough to stand against others who may try to meddle in their relationship. Each couple needs to have boundaries and to solve problems between them without interference from others unless asked. You don’t want to be married to someone who needs to ask mom what to do each time you have a disagreement. Both partners need to be financially wise and to pay the bills and not spend when the money is not there. Paige and Devin established a budget even before they were married and want to stay within it.
In marriage both partners need to put each other first before their friends, especially of the opposite sex, so they can truly be each other’s best friend. That means times to laugh lots together, play together, do fun things, listen to one another and enjoy life together.
There are things to avoid also and one of them is to not compare your marriage with the Jones and want to try to keep up with them. You don’t need a yacht when a fishing boat would do. Enjoy the journey the Lord has for you and be content. Also, don’t hold back vital things from your past but be an open book, for the past always seem to catch up one day. Knowing the details of each other’s lives will help to deal with the present situations that may come up. Also don’t expect every day to be breathlessly passionate but find thrill in the everyday normal stuff like loving hugs, shared chores, knowing looks, dreaming together, and just living together.
Marriage is for the mature, for those who choose to give up childish ways and are ready to love and cherish a partner for life. I would add that having the Lord as the 3rd person in your relationship is vital and praying together does wonders for holding a couple together in love. It’s not all about me, me, me, but it’s about the Lord and our partner, and then ourselves. In 3 days Al and I will be celebrating our 59th anniversary and it’s all because of God’s mercy and grace!
Challenge for today: Make the Lord the center of each of your relationships.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy