There was such a one, Mephibosheth, and he was crippled from a fall when his nurse was quickly escaping with him after a battle and tripped, leaving him with 2 broken ankles. He lived an obscure life in Lo-debar among exiles and his royal identity was hidden. But he was found, now as an adult and taken to King David. He must have been afraid of the worst, because when most kings were captured or killed, family members and those close to them were also done away with. But Mephibosheth did not know of David’s covenant with his father. David calmed his fears, called him by name, and showed him love. He also gave him all the property that his grandfather Saul had and gave him a servant, Zeba, to manage it. Every day he sat at King David’s table and became family. At one point, David had to flee because of his son Absalom’s rebellion and after his son’s death, David returns. Ziba tells David that Mephibosheth stayed behind as he hoped to be king, so David gives him Mephibosheth’s land. But later Mephibosheth tells David that he was ready to go with him but Ziba left him behind stranded without transportation. He was in mourning the whole time and had ragged clothes and didn’t cut his beard. We never find out who was telling the truth, although I tend to think Mephibosheth was, but David doesn’t make anything out of it. He just shows love and accepts both of them back and treats them with love. Would we be that forgiving, or would we be sure of who was right, and would there be consequences? But David loved no matter what! “Love covers all offenses.” (Proverbs 10:12)
June 7, 2024
Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! Thank you for prayers as we arrived safely in Olathe in plenty of time for the groom’s dinner. It was so lovely with some tender sharing of the couple, a scrumptious meal, time together with friends and family. Today is the big day for the wedding and this will be Kurt’s first time officiating too.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How well do we love? We are told so many times and in so many ways in scripture to Love one another and to love like Jesus. John 13:34, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I loved you, you also are to love one another.” That is a tall order and as I study King David’s life, I get a glimpse of what that is like. Eugene Peterson goes into detail of how David and Jonathan had a covenant between them, binding them in loyal love and their descendants. At the time, David was on the run for his life because Jonathan’s father, King Saul was out to kill him. When making the covenant neither of them knew which of them would become king. But Jonathan and Saul were killed in battle and David became King. He remembered what he had promised and asked if there were any descendants of Saul left that he could show love to for the sake of Jonathan.
Challenge for today: Love even when taken advantage of and don’t become bitter but better!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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