Devotions from James Smith’s book, Embracing the Love of God
How did we get the notion that if we believe in God we will experience perfect peace and prosperity and avoid pain? Life can be difficult no matter how much faith we have, but in the midst of our trials He is very present. When we are still we can hear His gentle voice reassuring us that we are not alone and He is there, caring for us. Even when something terrible occurs, God is able to accomplish His purposes. When we learn to really trust Him, we are at peace. We are told to ask, seek, and knock. Sometimes we may feel He didn’t respond to our prayers in the way we have asked.” Martin Luther said we should never prescribe measure, manner, time, or place in our prayers because he believed that we should trust in God’s wisdom, which is higher than ours.” God looks in our hearts to see what we really need. The answer may not come as we anticipate, but it will come and His answers are always better. When we have to wait for His answers it is not because He is cruel but He wants us to grow. Waiting takes a great deal of faith, patience, and trust, and our soul is being shaped all the while.
God’s presence is with us and He is all we need in life. Heb. 13:6 “ The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?” We will never face a situation without the presence and care of God. He grieves with us and rejoices with us. He will never leave us!
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