Devotions from Judy’s heart
While at Kurt’s I had my devotions early in the morning in his office. I noticed on his desk was a Bible, his printer and work items, and a figure of a muscle man bench pressing a great deal of weights.I thought of how our lives have many facets but need balance. Any one of those things that is out of order can cause us trouble. If Kurt only read his Bible and neglected his work and taking care of his body, he would run into problems. Or if just focused on work, he would soon burn out, without the spiritual dimension. Or if he gave all his time to just working out he could look good on the outside but be deficient on the inside. We need all 3 and in proper balance. I think the monks have a good rhythm of the 3 dimensions and we try to do that at Canaan too…our day starts with devotional time , then work and we also try to get in time for exercise and play. We can’t separate them all as they blend together but hopefully we strive for balance. As we care for our bodies we recognize they are temples of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19), and we are also told to love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind. (Matt. 22:37)
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