Devotions based on Juliet Benner’s book, Contemplative Vision
Haven’t we all experienced doubts whether God is really present for us in difficult times? Do we demand proofs that He is there for us?
Juliet shares her thoughts on Caravaggio’s painting, “The Incredulity of St. Thomas” which shows Thomas ( along with 2 others) putting his hand in Jesus wounds. Thomas was candidly honest about his unbelief and had no pretense. And Jesus received him exactly where he was in his present reality. He also meets us in the questions and doubts we have in our lives and invites us to trust Him completely. Sometimes when we have doubts or dryness of faith we find it hard to share with others as we feel we will be judged. But doubts shared honestly and openly before God and others lead to greater faith. When we have dark times of unknowing, it can draw us into a deeper and richer walk with Him than if we walked only in the sunshine of His presence. Let us be open and honest with our questions and doubts and come to Him with eyes of faith and see how He welcomes us. Healing can come to us as we allow ourselves to be touched by Him.
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