Devotions from Henri Nouwen’s book, The Inner Voice of Love
Henri speaks of entering the new country where the Lord dwells there in greater intimacy. It’s like we reach a point in our lives where we are not truly at peace in our old country any more. He struggled, just as we do, when we leave the old country that has become so familiar. It requires the death of all that is precious to us: influence, success, affection, praise, etc. It is where we have spent most of our days. We are asked to trust but it is hard since we have to go to the new country naked and vulnerable. He said it seems that we cross and recross the border and for a time feel joy in the new country. But then fear comes and we long again for what we left behind. But when we go back to the old we find it has lost its charm. May we risk a few more steps in to the new country, trusting that we will feel more comfortable and be willing to stay longer.
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