Devotions from Judy’s heart
We’ve all listened to friends who have shared an experience of someone treating them hurtfully, and we most likely been in that spot too. We may not know what we have done. Perhaps we remind them of someone who has mistreated them in the past. Or maybe it is because we are followers of Christ that they want to shoot arrows at us. David certainly had that problem often and rehearses before God his dilemma. He says in Ps. 38:19-20, But my foes are vigorous, they are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully. Those who render me evil for good accuse me because I follow after good.” At such times we need to be centered on the Lord and not what others think of us. It reminds me of our wood stove that radiates heat to the extent we go around in short sleeves. It may be freezing outside and way below zero, but we are warm as toast inside. Even so, when we might get the cold shoulder from someone, a cold stare, a frigid remark, we can remain warmed within by knowledge of whose child we are and His unconditional love for us.
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