Devotions based on Finding Our Way Home by Mark McMinn
Jesus offers us a better way that ultimately leads to greater peace and joy than any life plan we could devise on our own. The path to the abundant life He came to bring calls us to give up trying to engineer our own happiness and to discover true life in Him.
The more we know God, the more we discover our truest self, and the more we discover our true self, the more fully we will know God.
The true self is the full, complete person we were each created to be as we walk securely in God’s love. The false self grasps to meet our needs in our own self-serving ways, attempting to find meaning apart from God.
Jesus said, “If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life.” Matt. 16:25
To deny ourselves is not to stop caring about ourselves but the need to give up our selfish ambition and deny our false selves.
TO discover our true self in God is a journey that we will never fully complete in this life, but we get glimpses of it as we live close to the center of God’s love.
May we remember that God’s way is better than anything we can devise on our own….Let us keep journeying towards our true life in Him.
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