
Devotions from Judy’s heart

Yesterday I went for my prayer walk and it was rather brisk out.  But every now and then the sun would peek through and I had such a sense of God’s presence with me as I walked. The sun was brilliant through the trees almost like fire. Today as I was having my devotions and just happened to be reading in Numbers 9, it was all about the children of Israel in the wilderness. They followed the cloud over the tabernacle by day and a pillar of fire at night. If the cloud lifted then they all packed up and followed. They never knew if they would be in one place a day or a month but they watched for this sign. .  I thought of how important it is to walk in obedience and follow the Lord every day. They had a visible sign of God’s presence and had to be ready for what ever He had for them. We need to be open and watching for His signs to know what it is He has for us each day. Is the “cloud” moving and am I willing to change my schedule to fit His?  Life is unpredictable but is exciting when we really know His presence is always with us.  “For it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.“  Deut. 31:8  Let us move with Him!!!!

Blessings on the rest of your Sabbath and day tomorrow. Prayers and love, Judy