Devotions from Judy’s heart
Lately it seems like everything I have been reading is all about the importance of thankfulness. It isn’t that thankfulness is dependent on our circumstances but more due to the condition of our hearts. It is a spiritual discipline and takes practice and more practice but changes the way we see things. We may still be in a difficult time but light dawns when we can see from His perspective. This morning I woke up to the moon streaming in our window and was as if someone turned the light on and everything looked so different from the usual darkness when I get up. The room was the same only now it looked different with so much light. In Sarah Young’s book it says, “You give Me thanks (regardless of your feelings), and I will give you Joy (regardless of your circumstances). As we practice His presence, the light streams into our hearts and we see deeper and beyond our circumstance. It can help us be grateful and say with the Psalmist ( Ps. 118:1), “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He good: for His steadfast love endures forever!!” Some day we may see that our most difficult circumstances were the very times we grew the most and brought us closer to Him.
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