Devotions from Judy’s heart
Lately I have enjoyed working at Share and Care and finding things that people need. I love it! And my heart rejoices as I wash things up and pack and put them in the mail. Someone else might find this a chore or nuisance but it gives me energy. In our epistle lesson for this week (I Cor. 12), there are so many different parts to the Body of Christ and each one needs to do what they were designed for. When we are serving Christ in our own unique way in the Body, it give deep down joy! Let us be aware when we have energy for a certain thing and let it be acknowledged as God’s gift for us to use for the Body. But let’s not expect someone next to us to feel the same way as their gift may be entirely different. But we are all serving Him and there is Unity in the Body when we are each doing the very thing we were called to do. Let us be faithful in that and bring glory to Him, who is our head!
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