Devotions based on James Smith’s book, The Good and the Beautiful Community
Our lives are a witness to the world that we have something real and they want to know the reason we have hope. Some people are especially gifted at sharing their faith but we all are witnesses, even when we are not conscious of it. We share Him in two ways: with our life and with our mouth. Our lives are the most profound witness to our connection with God. But there are also times people give us permission to explain what we believe and why. We cannot claim to be perfect but our job is to point others to the One who is perfect. We have hope because of His death, resurrection, ascension and return some day. Our future is bright because of His finished work! As Jesus story becomes our story, our behavior changes too. St. Francis said, “Preach the gospel wherever you go. When necessary use words”. Romans 12:1-18 tells us just how to preach the gospel without words.
Dallas Willard said: “The true social activist is the person who lives as an apprentice of Jesus in his or her ordinary relationships.”
There are times when we are called to share the hope within us in words and we need to do it with gentleness and reverence. ( I Peter 3:15-16) Timing is important too and we need to be patient and alert to the opportunities. Each day we get to make a masterpiece with our lives that witness to the Hope that is within us.
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