Devotions from Judy’s heart
Have you ever started a project and it leads to another and to another? I have an idea it is that way with our heart make -overs. A friend wrote that they were going to redo their kitchen completely but when they tore out everything to the studs, they found that their balcony overhang needed attention and their bedroom and the hallway. It seems that way with our hearts. The Lord works in one area and we think it is taken care of and then there is another big area that needs attention. I suspect He will always be uncovering and working on an area in our lives, for the completion won’t come until Glory. But we can rejoice that our Father loves us enough not to leave us as we are but wants to transform us to be more like Him. As it says in II Cor. 3:18, “ We are transformed in ever increasing splendor into His own image, and this is the work of the Lord who is the Spirit.” May His work in us continue until the day we see him face to face.
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