Devotions from Judy’s heart
When Al went to the Dr. yesterday he had a couple questions to ask him about the pain in his hip. He thought he needed a physical therapist or a chiropractor to work on him. But the x-ray showed that he has arthritis in his hip, so those measures would not solve his problem. Sometimes we also think we know just what is “wrong” with us and we self diagnose and don’t always come to the right conclusions. But instead we need to go to the Great Physician and let him give us the right diagnosis so we can get help and get well. Isn’t it easy to say that this or that person treats me badly so that is why I am the way I am? Wrong diagnosis! Or if my circumstances were different, I wouldn’t feel so lethargic or depressed. Wrong! It doesn’t matter about the people around us for we first have to know we are the one who is sick. Jesus was hard on the Pharisees as they thought they were “healthy” before God but were blind to their spiritual sickness. Also, Job’s friends gave him the wrong diagnosis and he calls them worthless physicians. ( Job 13:4). They were no help at all. We need to know when we are sick and go to our Physician where we will get the help we need. Al was glad for his diagnosis as now he knows what needs to be done.
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