Devotions from Judy’s heart
On a recent Sunday in church we sang, Crown Him With Many Crowns and something inside me resonated when I sang the words, “Awake my soul and sing”. I wondered when and how I had fallen asleep. Later as I went on a prayer walk, I found myself singing aloud those very words with much gusto. Fortunately no one but God and nature surrounding me was able to hear me sing. It’s so easy to get lulled to sleep and not be alert to His voice and His hand at work in our lives and all around us. In Eph. 5:14 it says to “Awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Just like in a marriage relationship we can go along and take one another for granted and all of a sudden something happens that we are awakened to the “treasure” we have. As it says in I Thess. 5, Let us be children of the light and keep awake and sober, putting on faith, love and hope etc. May we “Crown Him as our matchless king throughout eternity!”
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