Devotions from Judy’s heart
I read today Psalm 133.which was a song sung by the pilgrims going up to Jerusalem to celebrate annual festivals several times a year. David wrote, “See how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony! It is like fine, scented oil on the head, running down the beard—down Aaron’s beard—running over the collar of his robes.” Unity is precious and a sweet fragrance just like the warm oil flowing down Aaron’s beard. David also says that it is like the dew on Mount Hermon, so fresh each day with newness.
Of course, that doesn’t mean we all think alike and have the same opinions on things, but that we agree on the essentials of faith, and choose to learn from one another in those places we differ. I rejoice that we experience harmony where we live, although we come from so many walks of life, different church backgrounds etc. I don’t hear people gossiping but rather looking out for one another. The same is true at church as I have not heard murmuring or complaining or gossip. As Christians our relationships are rooted in the Lord and we belong to the family of God, and do not give up on each other but encourage one another, and pray for one another.
We were never meant to go alone but to belong to a community of faith who worship together and grow together, and work things out when problems arise. Let us be like those pilgrims who walked together singing in unity.
Challenge for today: When differences arise with other believers, look at them as a fellow sister or brother and work towards harmony.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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