Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good weekend! We are having a wonderful time at Mark’s and spending lots of time sharing together. This morning we did indoor games with our grandsons while Mark and Andrea shopped and this afternoon we are going to do outdoor games. We look forward to going to their church tomorrow.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I believe in angels, although I have never seen one, I have seen evidence of them and perhaps you have had an encounter with one. A friend of ours shared he had physically heard angelic voices singing. We certainly know there are many instances of angels in scripture.
It says in Psalm 34:7 (RSV), “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.”
As J.P. Moreland wrote, Angels worship and obey God and serve on His behalf; they minister to our need and bring comfort; they protect us from harm; they reveal messages from God to us; they guide us; and they often attend to people at death.
Moreland himself had 3 angels attending him, although he himself has not seen them. They were witnessed by several others who had no contact with one other. Each one said Moreland had a tall angel behind him and two shorter ones on each side and they were seen in similar instances when he was preaching or teaching.
But one of my favorite stories is verified account of Mayme Shroyer, who went through a broken engagement. Soon afterwards she moved from Oregon to Virginia. She wanted to buy a house and could only afford one in a rather poor rundown neighborhood. It was next to a park but she soon discovered that it was also the hang out of gang members; drug dealers were often seen in her front yard. She wondered if she should get a security system for $35 a month or thought the money could be better used to sponsor a child in another country through Compassion International. She sensed God was telling her to support a child and He would be her security. Mayme often came home after dark and she felt God would protect her and started exercising again in the park. One night she sensed someone was following her and glanced back to see a police car slowly moving towards her. The police officer asked if she had seen any suspicious characters in the area and she said no. He then told her they had received several calls at the station from people living near the park and all of them described seeing a tall black man, around seven feet tall, wearing a white muscle shirt and carrying a long sword. After the officer drove away she began to laugh out loud and with much gratitude felt the officer described her guardian angel. Nothing ever happened to her while she lived there!
The supernatural realm is real for we have a a supernatural God!
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to open your eyes to unseen reality.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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