Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to the sense of the Lord knocking on your heart’s door and desiring to be invited into all of your day. May your weekend be a time of spiritual refreshing as well.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
One morning I woke up with a song playing in my heart and it was one I haven’t thought of or sung for so long. The author is unknown, but it asks the question if we have room in our heart for the Lord. Jesus knocks and asks admission, but the question is, will we let Him in.
Recently I got fresh beef from a farmer, and I had to make room for it in our small freezer/frig. I took out much of the baked goods etc. and made space for what was more essential and to be used for many meals in the future. I am overjoyed as I think of the possibilities of what I can make from the meat since I made room for it! But the song asks a more important question that we need to ask ourselves, do we have room for Jesus in our hearts or is He crowded out by all the things of the world. Like the song goes we have room for pleasure and for business but no place for Him to enter in. He never forces His way in but waits for us to open up and invite Him in. It’s a time of grace to just realize He is knocking and tomorrow we may not hear Him if we are caught up in our worldly things. So, we need to give our attention to the Holy Spirit who will open our ears to hear the knocking. It could be He is calling us today to make more room so we may go deeper in intimacy with Him. As the chorus goes:
“Room for Jesus, King of Glory!
Hasten now His Word obey:
Swing the heart’s door widely open,
Bid Him enter while you may.”
We know what it is like when we go to visit someone and they swing the door open and hug us and let us know they are glad to see us, it is a happy moment.
I read today from Jer.29:13-14 (Message), “When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” Let us open wide to the Lord and let Him into the deepest parts of our heart.
Challenge for today: Respond to the Lord when He speaks to you, and don’t harden your heart!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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