Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a wonderful day. I just came from a walk and a swim in the pool here in Chattanooga, TN. We just changed our watches to their time as well. Thank you for prayers as got through downtown Nashville and through lots of traffic and arrived here safely! PTL!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God’s timing is perfect and it is we who have to adjust our clocks and schedules to be on God’s time.
We may sense that God is telling us something about what He has planned for our future, but the time is not yet, and so we wait. How long, we don’t know but He will let us know when the time is ripe.
Like the wise King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 3 that there is a specific time for every activity under heaven. He goes on to say in verse 11, “It is beautiful how God has done everything at the right time. He has put a sense of eternity in people’s minds. Yet mortals still can’t grasp what God is doing from the beginning to the end of time.”
Since God does everything in the right time, we need to adjust to His time table. He may be using this time in our lives to prepare us for what He has next. At the right time, it will happen according to His plan. We waited so many years to have a retreat house for Pastors, but they were years of preparation not only for the building of Canaan’s Rest but for our own hearts to be prepared. Abraham and Sarah had to wait until they were aged to have a baby. Moses waited 40 years in the desert while God got him ready to lead the children of Israel to the Promise Land. Now, I’m not sure how we all would have fared waiting that long!
The enemy often comes to tempt us to jump in and do something so things happen more quickly but that is a big mistake and we can ruin things. God may have the person just where He wants them and then we mess it up.
He sees the future and has a good plan for each of us and perfect timing.
It is reassuring when we have ordered something online and we get an email saying our purchase is on its way. They may even say not only the day but the approximate time it will show up at our door. Now if you are waiting for a response about a job offer or maybe trying to sell your business, wouldn’t it be nice to know that on a particular day and time it will happen? But God is not like that and it causes us to exercise faith and trust in Him. But one thing we do know, is that His timing is perfect and what He has for us is on the way!!
Challenge for today: As you wait, thank the Lord that His answer is on its way!
Blessings on your evening and prayers and love, Judy
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