Dear Ones,
Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you are enjoying the day! We are here in Sikeston, Missouri at the Holiday and I just had a wonderful swim. We celebrated Valentines day with a steak dinner at Applebees!! We enjoyed the Super Bowl last night and had lots of good food as we watched the Rams win. This morning we were on the road at 5:30 and heading towards N.C. Enjoying sunny nice weather and no snow. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God speaks in so many varied ways and let us be open and not miss how He may be trying to get through to us. I read today from Psalm 105:4-5 (NIV). “Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always. Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced.”
God delights when we seek His face and wants to communicate with us in many varied ways.
Of course the ultimate standard way is His word and nothing He will say to us will counteract His word. If it goes against His word, we know we are the ones that need to correct our hearing!
As I am reading J.P. Moreland’s Book Experience Miracles, he shares the many ways God speaks to us. God may use impressions we receive, thoughts and feelings that suddenly come to us, prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, dreams and visions, angelic visitations and life experiences. Sometimes He speaks through these means to give us guidance, to correct us, encourage us or tell us what he wants us to do next.
Our part is to recognize His voice and if we are not listening we miss it. Samuel as a young boy failed to recognize God’s voice at first, but the priest,Eli,told Him to listen for it was God speaking.
Sometimes God may give us a word to give to someone else and we need to be obedient to share it. One Sunday at Moreland’s church, his pastor invited people to come to the front of the church if they needed prayer. He also said that he believed the Lord spoke to him that there was a woman name Sally, who was present and despondent and needed hope. The Lord saw her situation and she was welcome to join the others upfront for prayer. Moreland’s wife,Hope, who was on the ministry team went up front and silently asked the Lord that she could minister fo Sally. Hope approached a woman she had not seen before and asked if she could pray for her. Yes, said the woman, “ My name is Sally, and I am the one Lance was talking about. I have lost hope that the Lord sees and cares for me.” Hope shared that her name was Hope and that she had prayed that she could minister to her. The woman went home that day, after receiving ministry, encouraged and knowing God saw her and loved her.
How important it was that the Pastor spoke what He heard God say and that Sally responded..
Let us have our ears open to the Lord and then willingly obey!
Challenge for today: Seek the Lord’s face and carefully listen to any words He may be speaking to you.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy