Devotions from Judy’s heart
It’s important to read the signs of the present times as things can change rapidly. We are to listen, be aware, and take heed. When we were at Sanibel we arrived on a sunny gorgeous day. We heard on the news that the weather was about to change so Stanton encouraged us to walk the beach, go the lighthouse, ride in the canals etc. which we did. And after we did all that, there was a weather change with cold temperatures and wind. We were so glad we hadn’t waited to do all the outside things. If we would have ignored the reports we might have missed so much. We made the most of the times here in Charleston as it was raining yesterday and on such days at the base bowling is much cheaper. So we took the grandkids for 3 games of bowling. On sunny days it is more. Let us be aware of the times and one thing we do know for certain…. that it is always time to see the Lord. Hosea 10:12
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