Dear Ones,
Happy New Year’s weekend to you! I have been trying to clean out the old to make ready for the New Year. I went through our cards and want to do the finances next. This morning I made Oh Henry bars and a veggie stirfry and shopped. We do love to still go for our walk each day.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
As we grow in the Lord and learn to decrease and for Him to increase, many things will no longer trip us up that use to. If we are attacked or maligned by someone, we can let it go and respond with God’s love instead. It takes a lot of decreasing and dying to our own ego, but it is possible when His love gives us the grace to respond more as the Lord would have us.
As Paul said in Galatians 2:20- (Message), “I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not ‘mine,’ but it is lived by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
Recently my cousin called and shared something that happened to her family. They got something in the mail regarding the cost of her mom’s care in Assisted Living. It was going to increase because of the next level of care she was needing. But there was only one problem; her mom had died more than a month before and we were at her funeral. It was a time of celebration of her life lived for the Lord and for others. Now Linda had a choice if she would give the nursing home a piece of her mind or if she would respond in love. This is what she wrote and you can determine which way she took.
“Pioneer Care Staff,
I am writing you to inform you that my mom, Rhoda____, died on November 8th, at your Care facility. You sent us a letter that you were increasing mom’s level of care to the highest level, which will increase the amount you have to pay. Well, I can assure you that my mom is receiving the highest level of care possible. She is up in heaven at the feet of Jesus. My only hope is that she doesn’t have to cook or clean, she’s really good at both. My mom was an awesome, loving, caring, faithful woman. By the way, mom loved it there. And, thank you to anyone that took time to wash mom up ad keep her clean. That took time to put her wig on, and straighten up her room. God bless you all who are ambitious enough to work.”
So far no response from the nursing home!
Challenge for today: Pray before responding to difficult situations and ask for God’s words and guidance.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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