Dear Ones,
It’s warming up and hope you are having a good day. This morning I put away our Christmas decorations and presents, and went downstairs for cookies on a stick. This afternoon we have Bible Study and we usually have a good number that come and also share.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
At this Christmas season we focus on the coming of Immanuel, whose name means God with us. Just think that Jesus left His heavenly home in glory to become one of us and to die for us to receive forgiveness. It is hard to take in and His very name gives us the assurance that He will not abandon us but is always, always with us. What a comfort that is when we get hit by difficult circumstances and go through things we don’t understand and can’t make sense of.
When we commit our lives into His hands, we can rest assured that we don’t walk alone but He is in our midst, His presence is right there with us. So many lack that assurance today as loneliness is at an all-time high and the suicide rate is soaring.
I am reminded of Moses words, just before his death, that he spoke to Joshua to encourage him to go in and take the land that God had promised His people. He first of all tells him not to be afraid because God was going to go with Him. He said in Deut.31:6 (God’s Word), “Be strong and courageous. Don’t tremble! Don’t be afraid of them! The Lord your God is the One who is going with you. He won’t abandon you or leave you.” That is a word for us also, for the Lord will never abandon us and He can give us a song to sing in the darkest night.
Like the song goes, “There’s within my heart a melody/Jesus whispers sweet and low/ Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still/ in all of life’s ebb and flow.” And then verse 4 says, “Tho’ He leads thro’ waters deep/ trials fall across the way/ Tho’ sometimes the path seems rough and steep/ See His footprints all the way.” But then the chorus rings out, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus/ Sweetest name I know/ Fills my every longing/ keeps me singing as I go.”
May the Lord give us a song to sing even in the night when things are the darkest for Immanuel is with us.
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord as you start your day that He is with you every moment of this day.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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