Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend and not overly busy with Christmas preparations. I look out my window to more snow but very beautiful. This morning I made a couple Mexican pies and took a neighbor friend to the Dollar Store. Our grandson is due here any minute.  Later this afternoon we will be going to the Soup kitchen to serve. Yesterday we had a big turnout for the Birthday party. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
All of us need healing in our lives as we have had experiences that wounded us, words that hurt us, and were raised by imperfect parents. But we aren’t always aware of the wounding of our souls and need the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts and bring healing where needed.
I have often sung the song, “Come Holy Spirit I need Thee/ Come sweet Spirit I pray/ Come in thy strength and thy power/ Come in your own gentle way.” It is an invitation for the Holy Spirit to go to work in our hearts and free us from those hidden hurts and bring inner healing…even to those deep places.
I saw Christian Home Decor company online today and one of the Biblical framed posters said, “Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here.” What a reminder to the family who pass by it many times a day and a witness to others as well.
As I write this, I feel warm and cozy as our furnace is in the closet close by. Three years ago when we first moved to our apartment home, I would experience cold air pouring out on me as I would sit at my desk. I put insulation around the door etc. but it didn’t help much. One day we had to get maintenance as the furnace didn’t seem to work well and it was discovered that a piece was left out when they put the furnace in four years before. The piece was ordered and when it was installed, it made all the difference. I don’t need the space heater anymore and I am very comfortably warm as I write. The truth is I had no idea we were missing a part and yet the evidence was there in the cold air.
There are hurts in our lives that may have happened so long ago that we have only a faint memory of, and yet they affect our present live. We may have exaggerated responses to things, read more into situations than is there etc. They are signs that we need healing and we can ask the Holy Spirit to do a deep work. He may use our pastor or counselor or mentor to aid this process but it is the Holy Spirit who reads our hearts and knows what piece is missing.
It says in Psalm 147:3 (Message), “He heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds.”  God is right there and listening and ready to help and heal our deepest wounds. May our prayer be as the second verse to the song goes, “Come like a spring in the desert/ Come to the withered of soul/ Lord let They sweet healing power/ Touch me and make me whole.”
Challenge for today: Welcome the Holy Spirit to heal your heart!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy