Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this day! We woke to dense fog this morning. I went to my exercise class and made stroganoff for lunch. This afternoon I am going with my neighbor/friend to the Christmas open houses on each floor here, followed by hot cider and cookies. After that our walk and then we have Bible study so today doesn’t leave time for me to get in much trouble!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
So many of us have heard about Jesus since we were little children and are familiar with the Bible stories. Our head may be full of knowledge of the scriptures and can recite verses but we need more than that; we need a heart that trusts in the Lord. Our emotional brain is meant to function along with our rational brain. Sometimes we read the Word just with our mind engaged and our heart is not with it.
Yes, we may be able to quote a verse or two or even a chapter, but if it hasn’t touched our hearts, we come away much the same.
When we read the Word out of a trusting relationship with the Lord, it like reading a love letter, not some factual information that may tickle our intellect. 
The Lord wants a close relationship with us and out of that we want to know more and have a hunger for what the Word says. When our heart is engaged, we are like David who sang on his way to worship in Psalm 131:1b-2 (God’s Word), “I am not involved in things too big or too difficult for me. Instead, I have kept my soul calm and quiet. My soul is content as a weaned child is content in its mothers’ arms.” Some have grown up in homes where love was absent and life was harsh and it may be hard to picture being held in loving arms. But the Lord can bring healing and correct our heart image of God. He does this in many ways.
Often, the Lord gives us a Christian brother or sister that helps us on our way and is like a spiritual guide, showing us what it is to experience a trusting relationship. Others may sit in nature and observe God’s care for even the birds of the air and come to realize how God is there loving and caring for them. Some who participate in the life of the church may learn to trust as they see living examples around them. Others try to put themselves in the story about Jesus they may be reading and imagine themselves in the audience. His message seems so personal. I love to sing worship songs as it puts my focus on the Lord and His greatness and love. God has so many ways to draw us close to Him and to help us engage both our rational brain and our emotional brain. Delight in Him!
Challenge for today: Take a prayer walk with the Lord today and share your heart with Him.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy