Devotions from Judy’s heart
When we were in Charleston, Al took each of the grandkids out alone and was hopeful to make a good deposit in them.
It says in Ps. 89 that we are to tell the next generation of His faithfulness. At this Christmas time it is the first anniversary of my dad’s Homecoming and I think of him often. He made many deposits in us in so many ways by his words and even more by his life of generosity and unconditional love. The fruit of his life goes on and on as we share about him in our memory bank. What will people say about us when we are gone? Did we love well? Did we put first things first? Did we use the gifts God gave us? Did we change courses when necessary? Wm Penn said, “let us be careful neither to run out ahead of our bride nor loiter behind Him; since he that makes haste may miss his way, and he that stays behind may lose his guide.” Let us run the race of life well and leave behind a path for others.
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