Devotions from Judy’s heart
There are times in our lives when we want to so badly to be certain we are hearing God’s voice to our hearts….especially when making decisions, changes, seeking direction, desiring discernment etc. It’s like our spirit is on tiptoe, and seeking to recognize His voice, even when it is like a faint whisper. His voice is calm, peaceful and consistent with truth. But the enemy’s voice pushes and condemns and not like God’s voice that draws us. No we don’t always hear Him correctly 100% of the time but it is important to have a teachable open spirit that wants His will most of all. Like David prayed in Ps. 143:10 “Teach me to do your will for you are my God! Our part is to be still, provide inner space wait patiently, and to listen. As it says in Ps. 85:8, “I will listen to what God the Lord will say; He promises peace to His people, His Saints.”
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