Devotions from Judy’s heart
When we arrived at Kurt’s, Grant greeted us outside and asked if we had a prize for him. (We usually have a prize wrapped for each day we are here for the grandkids.) At age 4 it is understandable that he would think of a prize and ask for it, but if he were 24 that would have been rude. Are we often that way with the Lord with the attitude of “Give me, Give me!”? Do we think more about what He gives us than who he is? Paige and Lily are older and had hugs and kisses first and never asked for a prize. As we grow in the Lord we need to be more focused on Him than on his gifts to us. As I read today from Ps. 48, “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise….we will meditate on your unfailing love.” He is so worthy of our praise and desires that we come to Him, not for what we can get from Him but for who He is. And just like we like to hear a Thank You from our grandkids, I’m sure the Lord loves when we praise and thank Him for all his gifts to us…. especially for “the gift of God that is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom. 6:23.
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