Devotions based on Leighton Ford’s book, The Attentive Life
I have only read the Introduction to his book, but I’m sure I will love it as it seems to be just where I am.
Leighton says that “Each of us is part of a Greater Story, and behind our stories is a Storyteller calling us home. The deepest longing I have is to come home to my own heart….to bring my real self before the real God, to be changed into his true image, to become all that God has made me to be. It was and is a longing to belong, to have a home for God in my heart.”
We can ask ourselves why we hide from this longing. Could spiritual inattentiveness come from our fear of being known for who we really are? We may keep ourselves busy and distracted because we fear that if we slow down and are still, we may look inside and find nothing there.
The first part of our journey may involve longing and the second part mainly looking—coming to terms with important parts of our soul. That involves bringing our real self before God. We need attentiveness to make our heart a home for God.
Each of us is called to a life patterned by Christ. It is not shaped by inner compulsions but rather drawn by the inner voice of love. “To listen to this voice, we need to pay careful attention to where our inner and outer selves are disconnect and where they need to come together in a beautiful pattern that reflects Jesus, whose inner life with His Father and outer life of ministering to others were very much one.”
My you have a wonderful day and know the voice of Love that calls to us.
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