Devotions from Judy’s heart
Last weekend on our 7 ½ hour trip to Michigan I slept at least 5 of those hours. I could not keep awake and was so groggy….maybe just catching up from family time during the month of July. I was in a deep sleep and had several dreams. The only time I woke up was to eat or when we stopped for gas. Today when I read from Mark 13 about the end times, over and over again Jesus reminds his followers to ‘Keep awake, be on guard, stay awake.” It is important to be alert and awake spiritually and not be drowsy and groggy and half asleep. As we wait for His coming, we need to be seeking the things of His kingdom, sharing His love with others, and not just putting our lives on hold. By the time we got to Michigan I felt alert and refreshed and functioning again, and was so glad. May we daily be awake and not on “auto-pilot” but filled with zeal.
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