Devotions from Judy’s heart

Next weekend lots of family will be here at the lake for Labor Day weekend and then there will be a long pause before they are all up again. That means more of a time of quiet for Al and me (although we have retreatants coming too). I thought of Steve Smith’s words about embracing the hidden seasons of our lives and remember Jesus had a hidden life for 30 years.  He quotes Trobisch in saying that real  love is not gained through performance or accomplishment but by “Living with anonymity instead of fame, of living in obscurity rather than trying to be in the limelight all the time.”  The hidden times in our lives can be sacred spaces when we can come to know God better and our true selves. God can use theses times to shape and mold us and help us see things in new ways. Even though we may not all get away to a quiet place like Canaan we can all find a quiet secluded place where we are not tempted to role play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as we can and let the focus shift from us to God and we will begin to sense His grace in new ways.