Devotions from Judy’s heart
How important it is that we quiet our spirit and listen to the Lord as He speaks to us throughout the day. He wants to be our guide and direct our steps. It says in II Chron. 16:9 that “The eyes of the Lord range throughout the entire earth, to strengthen those whose heart is true to Him.” He will give us strength to follow His instructions and walk in His ways and be in His timing. I read today from Luke 5 how after Jesus used Simon’s boat to preach from, he told him to go out into the deep water and let down the nets. They hadn’t caught even one small fish all night but he listened to what Jesus said and obeyed. The result was astonishing and not only was his boat filled with fish but his partner’s boat as well.
Sometimes as our hearts are listening to Him, we are asked to say something or do something that may not even make sense to us. But if we obey, our “nets” may be filled and others are blessed. Just a couple days ago, I was praying with a friend over the phone, and a strange picture and word came to my mind that I prayed about. It didn’t make sense to me but made a lot of sense to her as it was something she was in the midst of dealing with. That brought encouragement to me as well. God wants to speak to us and as we obey we will see His hand in all that touches our lives.
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