Devotions from Judy’s heart
I woke up the other morning and no water coming out of the facet. Little did I know Al was downstairs cleaning up water that had spurted all over our furnace and storage room The plastic hose going from the water softener just popped out of the tube it was inserted into and water all over. But even in the bad times, there are things to be thankful for. Had it happened the day before we would have been gone for much of the day to the Harvest Festival and unaware of what could have been a disaster. Or one day later we would have had a retreatant in the room next to it, and would have interrupted her sleep. Even when “bad things” happen, there is a silver lining if we look for it. In fact “faith shines most brightly in the darkness.” God brings order out of chaos and He wants us to put everything into His capable hands. Let us give thanks in the midst of whatever is happening. Ps. 113:3 “From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”
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