“Make new friends but keep the old”!”
Recently when I was going for a prayer walk I met a gal who was also walking and carrying her dog. She had a mini skirt on, heels, and her prissy dog had a bow in her hair. That is not a common sight here in the woods! But as we talked a friendship was begun and I hope to visit with her again. Al and I had just been to Remer where we went to the Harvest Festival and saw many of our old friends. What a joy that was! So many hugs and kisses and sharing of past memories …made me felt so rich and blessed. Friendships are a gift from above and the Lord gives us all different kinds of friends that help round us out. I think each one opens our hearts in a new way so we can keep receiving more of His love. It is so sad to see people whose hearts are closed and can’t receive the love that is coming to them. I thought of my new friend and my old friends and how each one is important in my life. Some are silver, some gold, some very deep friends, and some acquaintances… all a gift to my heart. And let us press on to know more intimately the One friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Prov. 18:24)
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