Devotions based on Trevor Hudson’s book, Discovering our Spiritual Identity

Our words are important and in Prov. 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” When used carefully words can be used to reveal ourselves, to build community, and to bring healing. When used carelessly, they can create confusion, hurt others, and create conflict and chaos.  Jesus places value on the words we speak and said we will have to give account for every careless word we say.( Matt. 12:36-37)  Words reveal the true condition of our hearts for out of the abundance of our hearts the mouth speaks. Our words manifest our attitudes, thoughts, feelings, inner wounds, choices etc that make up our souls. Our words impart spiritual power for either good or evil . When words are spoken unfairly and carelessly they can wound others, destroy confidence, tarnish reputations.  When they are spoken at the right time, they can bring life and light and make a significant difference in the lives of others. We can extend blessings to others by speaking good into their lives. It can be as simple as saying, “You are a special person!” or “May your life be filled with the light of Christ.” We can also share words or images drawn from the Bible. But whatever our situation is, we need to keep our antennae open to the Spirit and speak what He gives us to say. .