Devotions from Trevor Hudson’s book, Discovering our Spiritual Identity
Our view of death and dying affects the quality of our present lives. Death is not the final word for it was defeated by the resurrection of Jesus. As His children we shall never die, in the sense that our spirit lives forever. Our bodies may decompose but the spiritual dimension of our life continues their existence with Him. One day we will receive new spiritual bodies, although our unique personality will continue to exist. We will be recognizable, expressing our individuality and able to communicate to one another. Even though we may suffer in this life, all the broken pieces will be mended then. The author pictures heaven as ” rich possibilities of energetic action, participative worship,, challenging responsibilities, and unimaginable creativity.” We will have plenty to do!!! Let us develop self-giving love, sacrificial servanthood, faithfulness etc so he can take these spiritual qualities and employ them in His kingdom. Can we picture what it will be like to see Him for the first time, to delight in being with other loved ones and fellow pilgrims, to experience wholeness, and to be creative in working in His vast universe? In our every day lives, let us live from the perspective of the everlasting kingdom.
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