Devotions from Judy’s heart
Change is good! Sometimes we get a choice about change but other times circumstances may be out of our control to bring change. But with each change brings a fresh perspective and outlook and a little adjusting. When we were at Kurt’s I was noticing all the things my creative daughter-in-law had done in their house. We started talking about Canaan and she showed me some things she no longer was uses to decorate her house. It ended up that we had more things going home that altered the look of Canaan. It feels good to have a cushy carpet in the kitchen now, more light in two of our bedrooms with taller lamps, brighter pillows on the sofa, oriental rugs in front of the sofa etc. Why do we often insist on always keeping everything the same and missing out on the new? The Lord has so many new things for us and we don’t always receive them as we seem to resist change. He may show us a new way of looking at something, a broader picture than our narrow view, a verse that is asking for our obedience or change of direction. But one thing we know, that if the Lord initiates the change we can trust Him to see us through. We may find ourselves “singing a new song “ ( Ps. 96:1) for Behold, He makes all things new. ( Rev. 21:5)
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