Devotions from Judy’s heart
We have just spent a few days with 3 of our grandkids. Although they have the same parents it is amazing how different they are — so individual and gifted in different ways. Their uniqueness is a gift and to be appreciated and encouraged. Paige is tall and slender and loves to write, act, play the violin etc. Lily is solid and a natural athlete who is very competitive. Grant is all-boy and very expressive and full of energy and imagination. As grandparents we rejoice over each of our grandkids and remember our Heavenly Father rejoices over us in a similar way…not for what we do or achieve, but just for whom we are. As it says in Zeph. 3:7 , “He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.” Imagine that! As we look at others, may we also appreciate their uniqueness and not try to fit them into a mold. Ours is not the place to change them but give them space and affirmation to be who God created them to be.
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