Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! The sun is shining and it seems spring is here after all. I just finished making a couple spaghetti pies and a stir fry veggie dish and cleaned the apartment. Then the news came that Gen went home to the Lord early this morning. I was awakened at 3 a.m. to pray for her and family and wondered at the time if it was her homecoming time; we rejoice that she is now with the Lord and no more pain but also sadness as we will miss her. She was a bright light for Jesus and so full of love and kindness. Please pray for her family as she leaves behind a husband, a teenage daughter and son, parents and two sisters and so many who loved her.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Sometimes we may be very specific in telling the Lord what our need is or a desire we have. But when we do that, often times we may be settling for less than what He wants to give us. I couldn’t help but think of that when I read today about the lame beggar who laid at the Gate Beautiful of the temple entrance. He was hoping for alms, as people passed by to go to prayer, but he got so much more. Our pastor had the children act this out on Easter Sunday in his children’s sermon. Just before the service began, two strong men carried a teen up to the front of the church and laid him on the steps to the altar and put a tin can in his hand. The many children were given alms and held palm branches as they marched around the church. When they came to the teen, each one dropped their alms in the can, and we could hear the loud clink. Then Peter (pastor) came by and when asked for alms told the beggar, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.” (Acts 3:6) The boy was slowly helped to his feet and when he realized he could walk, he began jumping and leaping and running around. So much jubilation for all of them. He got so much more than alms. Do you suppose when we ask the Lord for something, He has much more in mind? He could have something better than we can even imagine. I remember once asking for prayer at an evangelistic meeting, that my sinuses would be healed. The Lord answered but not in the way I expected as He healed my eyes and I no longer needed contacts or glasses. I never even mentioned my eyes but how happy I was for good sight. Maybe we pray for a son to get out of jail and the Lord says for us to wait a little longer as He has more…He wants to free him from sin and give him a whole new life. When we pray, let us have believing hearts but let us not limit how God will answer us. Along with so many of you, we gave been praying for healing for our friend Gen who has been suffering with pain from cancer in her abdomen. We know God could have healed her of cancer and we desired that, but instead He gave her total healing by ushering her to glory. No more pain or trouble breathing, for now she will have a new body and is in the presence of our Healer, himself. Let us always pray in faith and let the answers come through Him who loves us and knows best.
Challenge for today: Give your requests to God and receive His answers with assurance that He has your best in mind.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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