Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day. This morning I made 2 Mexican pies and went to my exercise class. This afternoon we are going to a farewell coffee for one of the residents here and then Kurt and Bo are stopping in on their way to the cabin.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
What a change as I look out my window. The ground that was just starting to green up days ago is now covered with a blanket of fresh snow. Everything has changed and just overnight. It was a reminder to me of the difference it makes when we ask forgiveness and our sins are covered over by the blood of Jesus; the result is that we are forgiven and given a white robe to wear that covers us completely. I don’t think I can ever get over how amazing that is! What a transformation! It’s just as Peter spoke in Act. 3:19 (ESV), “Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” When we really know in our hearts that we are forgiven it is the most wondrous feeling and like we are given a new lease on life. But sometimes we come with deep wounds that need healing and although we are forgiven and have forgiven the one who hurt us, we have a hard time to experience those times of refreshing. I am reading Stephen Seamands’ book, Wounds that Heal, and he writes about how we are not alone in our suffering when we have been hurt, abused, and rejected by those closest to us. The Lord understands as He experienced excruciating pain and suffering and was rejected Himself; He knows what we have been through and is ready and willing to heal our wounds. If we carry deep wounds from childhood, it affects how we see ourselves and also how we perceive others. We all desire acceptance and affirmation but for some that was not given and may be sought later in life in other unacceptable ways. One child of an alcoholic mother was constantly verbally abused and told she was no good. She felt she could never be loveable and her unhealed rejection left her with feelings of bitterness and inferiority rather than celebrating being a beloved child of God. Another woman had been sexually abused by her father as a child. She was making progress in her healing but later as an adult her father raped her again and she was devastated. Her pastor brought her into the sanctuary and had her look at the cross and told her that the cross was the place she would know the truth about herself. Jesus loved her enough to die for her. She rejected Satan’s lie that she was worthless and left the sanctuary a healed person who knew her worth. Jesus invites us to give Him the hurtful words we have endured, the abuses, the rejections and will bear the brunt of them, for it is by His wounds we are healed.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to show you any lies of Satan you have believed about yourself and take them to the cross and set free
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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