Devotions based on Scot McKnight’s book, One Life
If we could do anything with our One.Life what would we do and what would it be? What is worth so much we’d be willing to give our life to it? Climbing the corporate ladder just isn’t enough. Money isn’t enough. Fame isn’t enough. Finding a person to love isn’t enough. The only thing is Jesus and the way to get to Him is to follow Him. The author grew up as a legalist and did all the right things but found that going to church, reading the bible and praying etc are only a means to an end. They are not the goal but rather we are called to follow Jesus and let Him take over our lives. That means taking up His kingdom vision and let it shape what we do. God gives each of us the dream for our lives and speaks to us about what He wants to accomplish in our life. We have only one life and we need to chase, find, and live our dream. We need to be consumed by our dream and that dream will give us life and make our life matter.
“What God has planned can be called the dream of God, and God made us to give our One.Life to that dream of God. Jesus called that dream the kingdom of God.”
Let us not settle for anything less than giving our whole life to Him and what God made us to do!
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