Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! The weather has turned cool, and Kurt stopped by yesterday on the way to the Lake to close up the cabin. It is that time again! I plan to make a Mexican dish and apple crisp this morning and go to Aldi’s.    
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Isn’t it wonderful when we can join with others who know the Lord and want to grow in faith and wholeness and healing? It is truly a gift from the Lord and important to be open to the opportunities He puts before us. It can be a time to share and be nurtured together with others who want to grow closer to the Lord. God uses all sorts of groups, and it may be a Soul Care group, a Bible study, a Spiritual formation group, an Alpha group etc. The Lord can direct us to a group that seems to fit the need we have at the time.
  Such groups may help nurture us and renew us and bring healing and even correction where needed.  Here at Northern Lakes, we have a weekly Bible Study and fill the community room each week with Christians from different churches and denominations. Al leads the study, but we also learn and grow through the sharing with each other. Since we are from different backgrounds, it broadens us and brings balance to our lives. We are united in the Lord even though we may not interpret certain verses in the same way, we capitalize on what is our common denominator, which is Jesus.
  When we studied the book of Ephesians, we noted how the Apostle Paul stressed unity in the Body of Christ and the importance of humility, gentleness, patience and bearing with others in love. He also said in Eph. 4:15, Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ.” It was so beautiful at one of the studies when one in the group publicly asked another one for forgiveness. I think we were all touched. The Holy Spirit wants to move in all hearts to bring us closer to the Lord and also to one another. We are called into relationship with His whole Body, and we learn to serve one another in love and to use our spiritual gifts. Let us be open and available to share our lives together with others in the family of God, that we may grow to be more like the One who is head of us all.
Challenge for today: Be willing to join a community of faith where you can grow together.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy