Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend to you! Yesterday afternoon Al and I went to see Sound of Freedom and it is worth seeing. I kept reminding myself during the movie that this actually happened, and a man sacrificed so much to rescue a young girl and many others. Today I am going to do some baking for upcoming company and serving.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   What is most important in our lives? Is it to accumulate wealth and fame or is it to live for His glory? Jesus was very clear when he spoke to the crowd, and in Mark 8:35-36 (God’s Word), He said, “Those who want to save their lives will lose them. But those who lose their lives for me and for the Good News will save them. What good does it do for people to win the whole world yet lose their lives?” Jesus is asking us to look at the long-term consequences of our lives and how we live them.
   Life is short and we only do it once so we must let it count. When we live for the Lord, and not ourselves, we gain everything plus a future in glory. I was reading today from Psalm 73:24 and it speaks of what happens at the end of our lives. The choir director, Asaph, wrote this Psalm for the choir to sing in the temple and it reminds us of what is really important. “You guide me with your counsel and afterwards you will take me into glory.” Jesus is our guide until the very end of our lives, when we breathe our last breath. How we live our lives today make all the difference if we will experience an eternity in glory. We need to make our days count and live in the hope of an eternity with the Lord. When we refuse to acknowledge Him as Lord of our lives and go the way of the world, we will lose out, lose everything.
   It is important to live life for Him now as we don’t know how many days we have left. Each day on the news we hear of people very young dying and they were probably expecting a long life ahead of them. But though we may have a short life or live long, living life with the Lord is the very best. Every day is new, and we have no idea what blessings He will pour out on us. We live freely for our past is forgiven and we have joy in the present, even when our circumstances are not ideal, for He goes with us through all that we encounter.
  Let us live this day as if it were our last one on earth and keep heaven in view as we anticipate eternity in glory with the Lord.
 Challenge for today: Ask yourself what am I going to do today that counts for eternity?
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy