Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of sunshine! The house is full of aroma as I made a new chicken dish and also egg dishes. Al is such a willing and good taster for when I try new things! This afternoon we are going to friends for coffee and fellowship.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are there times we can’t make sense of God’s ways? We may question why the bad guys get by and seem to prosper and the good guys suffer? Or maybe we pray for a wayward child that seems to get only worse? There are many things that we don’t understand as we only see dimly but one day we shall fully see. But for now, we are to trust the Lord and one day our eyes may be opened to see more what He is doing behind the scenes.
I am reading Larry Crabb’s book, When God’s Ways Make No Sense, and he gives the example of how Habakkuk responded when God did some shocking things. God told the prophet he was going to use an evil people to punish His people, who were not nearly as bad as the Babylonians were. I’m sure Habakkuk wondered what is God doing and it didn’t seem to go along with who he knew God to be. But he didn’t run away or try to change the message, he submitted to God’s way and recalled God’s character and that He would keep His covenant with Israel. Instead of complaining Habakkuk was open and waited to see and hear from God. He climbed up a tower to sit and listen to what the Lord would say.
If we are wise like Habakkuk, we will be quiet and wait for God’s timing and see how He will unfold the things we question, Even when He uses evil people to accomplish His will, He is writing the story, and we are not. He knows how it will end and we do not! The Lord works for the ultimate good and even if it makes no sense to us, God is faithful and holy and mighty and love. We can make the application today that even if the Lord doesn’t heal our sick body or bring our loved one to repentance during our life time, may we say as Habakkuk in Hab. 3:18-19, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.”
The Lord has promised us grace to go through whatever happens to us in this life, and we cannot even imagine all that He has waiting for us in glory. So let us trust, even when we don’t understand.
Challenge for today: When you question what is happening, wait on the Lord in faith and trust in His ways.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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