Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: May 2023 (Page 3 of 3)

May 11, 2023


Dear Ones,
Hope you have a peace-filled day. Today is Donut day here and fish day as a friend here gave us fresh caught and cleaned Sunfish, which are my favorite. Al has been sick and has someone doing Bible study today so as not to spread germs to others. He is feeling better and we are thankful. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  How we treat others is a good indicator of our relationship with the Lord. If we love Him, we will treat others with the same love that He loves us. I was reading today in the Message translation of Jesus words to the crowd in Matt.5. A few words to ponder were, “Don’t hit back at all…If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously…I’m telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves…Live generously and graciously towards others, the way God lives toward you”
  A living illustration of this type of living is found in our granddaughter who is in college and a very kind and gracious person. She seems to know just what to say to help others feel better and accepted. On the weekends she works in a very large Nursery and has so much knowledge about plants and trees. Of course, not every customer is easy to work with or polite, and not long ago she got a challenging woman who was rather paranoid. The woman came into the Nursery upset as she felt the tree she had set aside was not the original one she had chosen and planned to buy. Instead of questioning her further, our granddaughter said, “Well let’s do something about that!” So she took her to look over other trees and pointed out the best looking ones and before long the woman was more than happy with the replacement. When she left she put on reserve a plant she would later buy and our granddaughter satisfied her by putting her name on all sides of the pot so no mistake would be taken. The woman went home happy and said she would always ask for our granddaughter when she shopped there again.
  It made me think of how we try to influence others for the Lord. Do we argue with them, like our granddaughter could have done and said to the lady that it was ridiculous and of course was her tree! Instead, when we witness to others, we can ask them questions and find out where they are coming from rather than pushing our viewpoint on them. In time we can point out that Jesus is the Way and give personal testimony but it is good to prepare the way first.
Always be gracious and love and pray for others, knowing you may be only one link in leading them to the Lord.
Challenge for today: When tempted to argue with others, first find out where they are coming from and be gracious and loving as you share your viewpoint. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Jud

May 9, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a joy-filled day! The sun is coming up as I look out our bedroom window and looks to be a nice day. Around 9 I will be helping a friend set up for a day of making cards in the community room upstairs. Gals from church are coming from 10 until 3 to make artistic creative cards to send to friends! Fun!  Your question this week is, Have you let true self be known to another? 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   I was reading from the Message translation this morning and desiring that Jesus’ words would be real in my life. He tells the crowd in Matthew 5, “Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth… Your here to be light, bring out the God-colors in the world….Shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” 
   What particularly caught my attention was that we are to open up to God but also to others. When we share our hearts and our struggles, we let others in to see God’s hand in our lives. They will be able to recognize that God loves us the way we are, even when we battle things in our lives that are difficult and we don’t always respond rightly. Nothing we do can make Him love us less!
   We are generous when we let ourselves be known, but not just the good things but also our failures. It is far easier to hide the truth of who we are and not let ourselves be known and cover up so others will think well of us. Somehow, we think if they knew the truth of who we really are they won’t love us; but whatever is hidden can’t be loved. We can only be fully loved to the extent we let others know us! And if we hide who we are, we know in our hearts that they love us for only for who they think we are and not our real selves.
   The bottom line is that God loved us even before we were born and nothing we do or not do can make Him love us more. That is good to remember in loving others, for when we are fully loved by Him, His love pours through us to love them for who they are.
  The door of our hearts opens from the inside, so let us freely open up to God but also to others as we are led to do
Challenge for today: Share something of yourself with a close friend and welcome a response if shared.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

May 8, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. The youth at our church had a spaghetti dinner after the service yesterday to help fund their week at camp. Emoji I am going to my Exercise class soon and then this afternoon we have friends coming over for coffee. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  How does God see us? Do we picture Him as somewhat harsh and ever watching to see if we are going to mess up? Or do we see Him as a loving Father who is proud of us and wants to encourage us and tell us we can do all things with His strength? I suspect we all might have both of those responses at certain times in our lives.
   I read in two places today of what Moses told Aaron in how God was to bless the people. We often receive this benediction from our own pastors but I wonder if we let the meaning sink deep into our hearts. In Numbers 6:24-26 (God’s Word) says, “The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you: The Lord lift up His (approving countenance upon you) and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually).” Can’t you almost picture the Lord’s smile and approving glance upon you as you read this. When I grew up, I remember exactly my mom’s disapproving look as she didn’t have to say a word; I got what she was wanting to get across to me. But just think if we picture the Lord’s favor on us each day of His approving glance, that loving look; I’m quite sure our day would go a lot better and we would have a song in our hearts.
   It is good for all of us to see ourselves through His eyes of love and not through condemning thoughts that we might have of ourselves. We are the apple of His eye, and we have His favor. Let us go forth into our day, with the knowledge that He is for us, He loves us and there isn’t anything we do that would cause him to change.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to give you the inner awareness that you are precious to Him. 
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

The Longhouse

I’d never heard of a “longhouse” until I read an article in First Things.  It sure struck a nerve with me – and it has caused quite a stir among those who have read it.  Written by an anonymous author named “Lom3z,” a longhouse is “a metonym for the disequilibrium afflicting the contemporary social imaginary.”  

The longhouse was a large communal hall serving as the social focus in various cultures throughout the world that were more sedentary and agrarian.  In today’s social structures, “this historical function gets generalized to contemporary patterns of social organization, in particular the exchange of privacy – and its attendant autonomy – for the modest comforts and security of collective living.”

Of particular interest is the role of the “Den Mother.”  “More than anything,” writes the author, “the Longhouse refers to the remarkable overcorrection of the last two generations toward social norms centering feminine needs and feminine methods for controlling, directing, and modeling behavior.” What a loaded statement.  As Rod Dreher noted, the longhouse stands for “a metaphor for the over feminization of our common life.”  He warns, “if we don’t talk about the ways the dominance of feminized categories in public discourse and policies harm men, and hurt the common good, we are guaranteeing the radicalization of a new generation of men. Real problems cannot be suppressed forever.”

Camille Paglia wrote that feminism wrongly “see[s] every hierarchy as repressive, a social fiction; every negative about woman is a male lie designed to keep her in her place.  Feminism has exceeded its proper mission of seeking political equality for women and has ended by rejecting contingency, that is, human limitation by nature or fate… If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.” 

The longhouse discussion is really about “safetyism.”  Again, going back to Genesis, the Creator made males and females different. “When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them” (Gen 5: 2). Men and women are different and their “differences have an immense impact upon the climate of our social and political discourse.”  Boys in our culture experience immense social pressure to “self-censor.”  Present day ideologies function as a rationalization for more naturally female inclinations in discourse and socialization.  Jordon Peterson sees this as a maternal instinct.  He bluntly observes, “the political landscape is being viewed through the lens of a hyper-concerned mother for her infant.”

I know I am treading on thin ice with the direction of this blog.  I have written many times about the feminization of men and our culture.  When I first read this article, however, I could only say, “Yes.”  I had my wife read it soon afterwards.  She too responded, “Yes.”  Yours truly struggles mightily in these blogs to help men develop their masculine souls.  I continue to search for voices that reflect the issues of masculinity and femininity.  To me, this is a matter of soulfulness, men honestly crying out to God for healing and affirmation. 

Here are issues for men to keep always before them as they navigate the “gender wars” of our time:  1) Remember that you have a unique masculine soul that desperately needs affirmation and healing in today’s spiritual wilderness.  2) Celebrate the complimentary feminine soul. Honor and delight in the feminine. 3) Never forget your focus – Scripture portraying life as complementary.  4) Find men who are willing to be honest about their masculine souls in today’s culture (like in AA, CR or RA), and absorb masculine energy from older saints in your life.  

May 6, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend..even  if it is raining! I just finished cleaning our apartment and that always feels good. We are having a new recipe for lunch today and Al is always game to sample whatever I make. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   It’s often the little things that trip us up. We may get through something very difficult and then fold under something minor. I seem to write about small things in my devotions, maybe because that is where I often see God’s hand moving. The big things in some ways, we have faith for, but when we don’t see God answer the way, we thought He would, those small things may start us on a downward spiral. It can begin with something we are dissatisfied with and wonder where is God; and then we begin to complain and soon bitterness can take root and we find ourselves in a bad place.
   I have been reading in the book of Numbers about the children of Israel and how they had seen God do mighty signs and beheld His glory but they also complained a lot; their grumbling turned to bitterness and at times, outward rebellion. They complained about the water, and got tired of manna and wanted meat; they criticized the leadership etc. The result was that only Joshua and Caleb of the original group got to go into the Promised Land for they followed the Lord wholeheartedly.
   What about us, do we follow the Lord even when He doesn’t do what we want Him to do? Do we forget about the miracles He has done in our lives and complain? The enemy loves to use those times to get a foothold in our lives and cause us to doubt God and His care for us. But as the song goes, His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
   “Whenever I am tempted; whenever clouds arise;
    When songs give place to sighing; when hope within me dies;
    I draw the closer to Him; from care He sets me free;
    His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
    His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
    I sing because I’m happy
    I sing because I’m free;
    His eye is on the sparrow
    And I know He watches me.”
Let us be done with complaining and remember all the ways the Lord watches over us, provides for us, protects us etc.
Challenge for today: The next time you are tempted to complain, remember His goodness and mercy to you, and worship Him.  
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

May 5, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend! Hope you have time to go out in nature and enjoy this spring weather! We walked yesterday and met our friend who is part of the “Church on the Paul Bunyan trail”. His wife who is younger, is now in Memory Care and we miss her walking with us. 
I just finished making Lentil stew and cookies for the grandkids when we go there next. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Are we content to be our true selves, or do we live to try to please others? God made us unique and like no other, and His delight is that we become all that He had created us to be. Comparing ourselves with others is foolish and we get frustrated if we try to please them and miss who we really are. This morning I read from the Message translation from Matt. 5:5, “You are blessed when you are content with just who you are—no more or no less. That’s when you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.”
   We make many choices in life but they are not to be made for the approval of others but how the Lord is leading our life. Otherwise, we are really avoiding responsibility and not living the life God has planned for us. Our choices can determine the quality of our character and our soul. Of course, we are not perfect and do not always choose right, but that only shows us how much we need the Lord.
  Recently, I saw a friend from a former church where Al was once the Interim Pastor. She is someone that seems content with her life and is like a ray of sunshine. She had so much to share and although she is almost my age, she overflowed with joy that she has the privilege of working with youth at her church. Her love for the Lord is so evident and I believe the youth respond to her as she is who she is…no pretense, just herself and so open to the Lord.
  When we are at peace with who God made us to be, we can live in freedom and others feel comfortable around us. It has nothing to do with outward beauty but the inward beauty of the heart. Let us not compromise but be who we were made to be!
Challenge for today: Be real, be you, be all that God planned for your life! 
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

May 4, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day. The sun is shining and the snow is gone and maybe spring really here. This morning I made meatloaf, egg dishes and  roasted veggies so the apt is full of aroma. Al and I just had donuts and coffee and this afternoon is Bible Study. I am hoping and praying to get rid of the infection and also clear my sinuses soon.Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Today there is so much upheaval in our culture that very few people feel secure. We have only to watch the news and fear can creep into our hearts as we wonder what the future holds. David must have experienced similar wonderings of what was going to happen to him as the Psalms are full of his words as he flees from his enemies, even from his own son Absalom.
   David doesn’t hesitate to tell the Lord about the problems that plague his life as he often gives the details to Him; but after sharing what is happening around him, he asks the Lord to hear his prayer and answer him. Today I was in Psalm 4 and David’s words to the Lord were used by the choir in worship. After he described his dilemma, he says (God’s Word translation) “The Lord hears when I call to Him…Think about this on your bed and remain silent. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness by trusting the Lord…Let the light of your presence shine on us, O Lord. You put more joy in my heart than when the grain and new wine increase. I fall asleep in peace the moment I lie down because you alone, O Lord enable me to live securely.”
   Just as David, we can share our problems and fears with the Lord but then go on to acknowledge that He listens to us, and He will answer us. The Message says, “He listens the split second I call to Him.”  When we have given Him the situation as we see it and share that we trust Him, we may not know how He is going to answer but the problem now rests with Him. He will put things together according to His perfect will and we don’t have to strategize how He is going to do it.
   In Jesus sermon on the Mount, He tells the crowd, “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and His rule.” Let us give the Lord the basket of our worries and concerns and let Him take it and work things out for His glory.
Challenge for today: The next time worries come to mind, share them with the Lord and thank Him for how He will answer them.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

May 3, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day! I am writing from home as we traveled ovr 1100 miles and turned around and came home. You can read about it in my devotions! Not the plans we had but….we yield to His plan.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Sometimes things don’t make sense as we try to figure things out and we can’t seem to connect the dots. But God’s ways are not always our ways and are often beyond our understanding. As it says in Isaiah 55:8-9, that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts.
  We are home again and you may wonder as we do, why did this happen. We were as far as Bloomington, IL yesterday morning and stopped for gas. I suddenly felt a lump by my tooth and looked in the mirror to find that I had a large abscess but no pain. We called my dentist and sent him a picture and prayed and then Al turned the car around to go back home. Our trip ended after it just got started and I just came back from my  dentist and will be having 2 tooth extractions.Emoji 
  This morning I read a prayer by Rev. Kyle Norman who was also dealing with things that didn’t seem to make sense:
“Gracious and Almighty Father, I thank you for equipping me with a mind to think, and an intellect with which I can wrestle with the deep matters of my faith. I thank you for not shying away from my questions. In your gracious love, you invite me to seek always to understand our life together. But your ways are not my ways, and your thoughts are infinitely higher than my own. Thus, there are things about my faith that I do not understand, and at times, this lack of understanding keeps me from stepping further into the life you call me to. There are times when I have a hard time believing what I don’t understand. When this happens, I pray for you to fill me with your grace. Give me the boldness to believe in your direction in my life, even when it makes no earthly sense. Help me to be open to your presence when it catches me unaware.                             
  O Holy Spirit, I pray that you continue to lead me into all truth. Enlighten my mind to understand your ways more deeply in my life and may this understanding always flow from a heart of faith. May I seek to understand you, not as a combat to doubt, but as a road to deeper intimacy and faith. And in those times when my belief wanes, give me the strength to pray “I believe, help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). pray all these things in the name of my Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Challenge for today: Yield to God’s ways, even when you don’t understand and trust Him.
Blessings and prayers and love, Judy

May 2, 2023

Dear Ones,
I am sending this out tonight for tomorrow’s devotion as we are going to get on the road early tomorrow. We are in Coralsville, Iowa tonight at our favorite hotel and they serve supper and breakfast and popcorn. We got here early since we left home at 3:45 am so we have had a time of retreat too. Thank you for prayers! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Are we grateful children of God or would others view us as ungrateful and maybe even entitled? Gratitude is expressed in thankfulness for not only the big things but also in the everyday blessings. As I read about the children of Israel, they had a gratitude problem as they did a lot of complaining; it was over big things like slavery down to small things like water, manna, and meat. They did their share of murmuring!
   We may complain when disappointments come and it shows up in discontentment. We may feel we can’t truly be grateful unless things are perfect and all our needs are met—preferably immediately. But our mantra as His children should be instead, “Let me live to praise you.” (Psalm 119:175)
    I laughed aloud while reading what John Ortberg shared in his book, Love Beyond Reason. A  girl wrote to her parents while  at college and said, “I have much to tell you. Because of  the fire in my dorm set off by the student riots, I experienced temporary lung damage and had to go to the hospital. While I was there, I fell in love with an orderly, and we have moved in together. I dropped out of school when I found out I was pregnant and he got fired because of his drinking, so we’re going to move to Alaska, where we mightget married after the birth of the baby.     
      Signed, Your loving daughter.
P.S. None of that really happened, but I did flunk my chemistry class and I wanted you to keep it in perspective “                               
This girl did not want her parents to miss the good in her life by one  negative incidence.
   Now transfer that over to the beginning of our trip to N.C.. Al and I have so much to be grateful for—time to go see our son’s family,  enough $$ to do it, good health, a new vehicle etc. But we have one complaint, that although Al spent time transferring his music from his cell phone to the car’s system it didn’t work. It was fine the day before but not the morning we left. All of a sudden, the dream of great praise music to accompany us on our trip went down the drain.  We are learning to be grateful even though it is a frustration and not what we hoped for.
   We can all make application to the big things in our lives and may tell the Lord, “I would be grateful if my health were better” or “If I didn’t have to worry about my limited income, I would be grateful!” etc. etc. Let us not be complainers but nstead His grateful children no matter if things seem perfect to our liking or not!
Challenge for today: Spend 5 minutes of simply thanking the Lord for your many blessings.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


May 1, 2023

Dear Ones,
I am sending this out early for tomorrow’s devotion as we are getting up very early to begin our trip to N. C. We are excited to go to see Mark’s family and can only imagine how our grandsons have grown. We would appreciate prayers for safe travels and good health and a  blessed time with family! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Our lives were meant to bring glory to the Lord, and all that we do should say that loud and clear, even if there are no spoken words. Actions do speak louder than words. We can hear a very captivating speech and then see the speaker treat his wife shamefully, and the words he had just spoken seem to go right down the drain.
  Our lives are to be living examples, no matter what our age. We are to be like books that are read by others. The Apostle Paul tells young Timothy in I Tim 4:12 (Message), Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.” We are called to be living examples for the Lord in how we act and talk and conduct ourselves and even in our attitudes. We can outwardly be doing the right things but have a prideful attitude that cancels out everything else we do
    Even in our jobs at our offices we are to set an example and be people of integrity and encouragement. That means we take our jobs seriously and bring the Lord into the center of our work. It helps to pray before we begin our work and ask the Lord to be our CEO and to listen to what He has to say. During the work day it also helps to pause and pray frequently, so our lives are centered in Him.
   If we think of the persons we know that are examples to us, it is most likely their lives and not their words that stand out the most to us. They are like salt that brings out the best flavor or a light that shines in dark places, or an aroma with a beautiful fragrance.
How we all live is more powerful than what we say, and let us put Christ as the center of our lives in all that we do.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to make you a living example of His love to others. 
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy
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