Dear Ones,
Happy weekend..even  if it is raining! I just finished cleaning our apartment and that always feels good. We are having a new recipe for lunch today and Al is always game to sample whatever I make. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   It’s often the little things that trip us up. We may get through something very difficult and then fold under something minor. I seem to write about small things in my devotions, maybe because that is where I often see God’s hand moving. The big things in some ways, we have faith for, but when we don’t see God answer the way, we thought He would, those small things may start us on a downward spiral. It can begin with something we are dissatisfied with and wonder where is God; and then we begin to complain and soon bitterness can take root and we find ourselves in a bad place.
   I have been reading in the book of Numbers about the children of Israel and how they had seen God do mighty signs and beheld His glory but they also complained a lot; their grumbling turned to bitterness and at times, outward rebellion. They complained about the water, and got tired of manna and wanted meat; they criticized the leadership etc. The result was that only Joshua and Caleb of the original group got to go into the Promised Land for they followed the Lord wholeheartedly.
   What about us, do we follow the Lord even when He doesn’t do what we want Him to do? Do we forget about the miracles He has done in our lives and complain? The enemy loves to use those times to get a foothold in our lives and cause us to doubt God and His care for us. But as the song goes, His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
   “Whenever I am tempted; whenever clouds arise;
    When songs give place to sighing; when hope within me dies;
    I draw the closer to Him; from care He sets me free;
    His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
    His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
    I sing because I’m happy
    I sing because I’m free;
    His eye is on the sparrow
    And I know He watches me.”
Let us be done with complaining and remember all the ways the Lord watches over us, provides for us, protects us etc.
Challenge for today: The next time you are tempted to complain, remember His goodness and mercy to you, and worship Him.  
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy