Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: July 2021 (Page 3 of 3)

In The Beginning

Men, when we look for signs of God’s displeasure with our declining culture, a recent tweet from the ALCU gives one pause: “On International Women’s Day, here’s your reminder that trans women are women.”  This proclamation declares that a biological man who thinks himself to be a woman is, in fact, a woman.  In a follow-up tweet, the ALCU then says almost in defiance to any opposition, “No one gets to tell us what it means to be a woman.  Not our bosses.  Not the government.”  “So, take that!” is the inference.  In response, Glenn Stanton notes in The Daily Citizen™, “What we have going on here is a redefinition of the word and its redefiners are being dishonest about this fact.  The trans prefix itself proves the point. It…literally means “Not a female, but feels he is.”  Even though the Oxford English Dictionary defines a woman as an “adult female human being,” the ACLU wants to reserve the right to define transwomen as women.  But as Stanton states, “They do not have the right to change that important and fundamental definition for everyone else.”  He ends by saying, “To resist their efforts is called reason. Calling it transphobic is not a counterargument.  It’s just name-calling.”

Men, this is an attempt to change our view of reality by simply stating a woman can also be a man.  The ACLU’s statements attempt to create an “objective” view of reality – but they fall short. The written Word of God offers a different view of reality: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (II Tim. 3:16-17).  

“The word Paul uses indicates not that Scripture itself or its human authors were breathed into by God, but that the Scripture was brought into existence by the breathing out by God” (Bible Speaks Today).  Simply put, these are the words God has given us to live by.  Jesus himself declared, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt. 3:4).  I well remember memorizing these passages in the early 1960’s while attending a Bible school in southern California.  Little did I realize how important my commitment to making the Scriptures the final authority in all matters of faith and life would be.

My wife and I survived the turbulent 60’s, began our family, and ministered as a clergy couple for 40 years. Through it all the Bible has been a reliable guide, giving us a clear view of reality in a growing spiritual wasteland.  For 55 years, Judy and I have committed to learning and teaching Scripture.  As Isaiah says, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11). 

I humbly encourage you to make the Bible your “go to” on all matters of faith and practice.  After following the Lord for over 60 years through some significant cultural upheaval, I challenge you to: 

  • First, submit your thinking to the authority of Scripture.
  • Second, integrate and apply Scripture to your life.
  • Third, check all other views of reality against what the Scriptures teach.

The more I dig, the more I explore the claims of other religions, and the more I seek the God of truth in the midst of it all, the more I find that the scriptures reveal truth, and it is the truth that sets us free.





July 10, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! Hope you are enjoying these beautiful sunny days. This morning I made Al’s favorite cookies and cleaned the apt. Tomorrow we have a former parishioner from our church in Edina coming for dinner. We last saw him when he was in high school which was a very long time ago!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How bold are we for the Lord? Do we hide our faith when we think that others may disapprove and fear they will make fun of us? God wants to give us courage and boldness to stand up for what we know to be true and share Him with others. Some will try to shame us and one friend recently said that even her interim pastor said to her, “You surely don’t believe everything you read in the Bible, do you?!” How sad! Billy Graham wrote that there is more evidence that Jesus rose from the dead than there is that Julius Caesar ever lived, or that Alexander the Great died at 33. Isn’t it strange historians will accept thousands of facts for which they can produce only shreds of evidence but doubt the overwhelming evidence of Jesus resurrection?
I have been reading in Acts of how Peter and John, when ordered not to speak or teach about Jesus responded by saying they couldn’t help but speak about what they had seen and heard. After being arrested for preaching and teaching about Jesus, they didn’t have a pity party and complain that they were being persecuted for doing what Jesus commanded them to do when he left this earth. No, when released, they went to their friends and told them what happened to them, and they all just started praising the Lord. They told the Lord their situation and asked for His help to deal with it, but not that they would be removed from it. Does that sound like us? Or do we say, “Help Lord, get me out of this hard situation quick!” I must confess I must have prayed something similar when going through a hard time in one of our churches. Sometimes He does remove us but other times He leaves us in the situation to fulfill His purposes. But either way, He does promise to give us courage and boldness to get through whatever the problem is and will help us grow through it.
Peter and John went on to pray in Acts 4:29-30 (NRSV), “And now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant to your servants to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out our hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” The result was they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with boldness. Let us also ask the Holy Spirit to give us holy boldness and use the opportunities He sends our way to share Him, no matter the cost.
Challenge for today: Ask for courage and boldness like that of the disciples, and share Jesus.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

July 9, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! It’s another gorgeous sunny day. I was in the kitchen much of morning as I made a couple Mexican pies, cake, pork chops with apples on top, etc. We are soon off to Costco and maybe Culver’s before our walk this afternoon.Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Our days get filled with many activities, some trivial and some very important, but something we should always take time for is prayer. When we make room in our day to withdraw and meet with the Lord, we are giving to Him what is most important and precious. In our busyness, it is often a challenge and it may mean sacrificing other things that are less important, like time on social media. Some people say they don’t regularly practice prayer as they don’t get anything out of it. But as I read Michael Casey’s chapter on the grace of prayer he said, “Who says you have to get anything out of it. It is far more important that you put something into it.” It is an act of self-giving of our time to the One who gives us everything. It is like a mirror of where we are in our walk with the Lord.  We become present to the Lord and become more mindful of Him in a deeper way. It says in Psalm 46:10 (ESV), “Be still and know that I am God.”
When we make time in our daily routine, everything else seems to fall into place. I like the early morning, before dawn, when I am relaxed and refreshed but I know that it may not work well for you. The important thing is to build it somewhere into our schedule and make it a priority. It reminds me of my time with my husband during the day. We each have a separate place to study and write, and we have short casual conversations with each other throughout the day, which would compare to prayer darts sent up. But when we go for an hour walk together each afternoon, we share our hearts in depth and often results in spiritual direction for one or both of us. I think that compares to more like our quiet time with the Lord when we go below the surface and enjoy His presence in a deeper way. It’s good to have both, but we settle for so much less when we just send up short dart prayers and neglect a quiet time of attentiveness with Him. Jesus found time in His busy day with multitudes of people desiring His attention, and yet He went apart before dawn to talk to His Heavenly Father.
May we let go of everything that occupies our hearts and tries to vie for our attention and open ourselves up to God.
Challenge for today: Spend some time alone with God and find a comfortable place to do it on a regular basis. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

July 7, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a blessed day. Yesterday we  had a day of good rain  and it was so needed. This morning I made egg dishes and went to Aldi’s and my exercise class. This afternoon is crafts and tonight we have Bible Study at church.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Isn’t it nice to have good friends that we know us so well that we can just talk freely and not be concerned about weighing our words? They know our hearts and are reading them, more than the exact words we speak. I learned something new while reading Michael Casey’s take on Mark 11:23 that when it says, “Amen I say to you that if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and cast into the sea’ and does not judge in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, so it will be for him.” The meaning is for us not to spend too much time weighing up the possibilities before making the request. Just say it! We don’t have to filter our prayers but simply be real and speak to the Lord what is on our hearts. We are told to boldly come before His throne of grace and come just as we are. No sense in saying fake prayers that sound beautiful but are not spoken in truth but in pretense. We don’t have to think about how our prayers and petitions sound to others or if we follow some formula given, but just speak to the Lord from our hearts. When Al and I were at Bible School in California, there was a new student who had recently come to the Lord. The stories of the Bible we had heard since we were kids in Sunday school were new to her, and she prayed with her heart fully engaged. She was excited over the miracles, and talked to the Lord like she was sitting right next to Him and so personally. My own heart was convicted by listening to her prayers. We should never let our relationship with the Lord get trite and old hat, but new and real. We are invited to pray for the impossible, and to keep on praying and not lose heart.  We can let God know all our needs and leave the results up to Him. We are completely dependent on the One who can read our hearts, listens to us and answers, and loves us beyond measure.
Challenge for today: The next time you feel angry or out of sorts, be real and pray without filtering your words. knowing that God is reading your heart.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

July 6, 2021

Devotions from Judy’s heart
In my younger years, I was very afraid of storms since we were often at the lake when they occurred and we had no safe place to go for cover. Our cabin was without a foundation and rested on pillars. We were in some bad storms and I wondered at times if the cabin would be blown away. But later in life the Lord healed me and one day I realized I didn’t get that awful feeling in the pit if my stomach anymore when the sky grew black. I felt peace. That could only be Him! 
Today there is a bigger storm on our horizon as the world around us is in chaos and people are shaken. With the pandemic, civil unrest, riots, wars, famines, earthquakes and floods, people are despairing and many even taking their own lives. So, what is the Lord saying to the church and how can we make a difference? I was reading an article by Lavinia Spirito who writes about the Signs of the Times. She said the church has become complacent and accommodating the world, and pastors are burning out and preaching what itching ears want to hear rather than the truth. Sin is no longer called sin and truth is becoming relative. Yes, the storm is coming and is maybe already here, and we need to be prepared, vigilant, and ready. As Paul said in I Thess. 5:6 (ESV), “So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.” There will be coming persecution and purification and those who know the Lord will have to take a stand. We need to stay awake and have our lamp lit with extra oil (oil being a symbol of our relationship with Him), for the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, and judgment is coming. We are to shake off our slumber and complacency. We are also to seek out like minded believers and stand together. We are first of all children of God and joined by His love and not political parties. We were not meant to go alone but join others in the Body of Christ. Our mission to be like “agents behind enemy lines”, sharing the Lord and helping others. We are to ask the Lord what He is saying to us and to let go of those things that stand in our way of obedience to Him. It will be more important than ever to be reading the Word and eating spiritual food. Spirito warns us to watch our words, to put on the armor of God daily and pray much. The church will become smaller as we face hard times and go through the sifting process, but what will remain will be the Church of faith that can’t be shaken.
Challenge for today: Takes steps to prepare for the storm and strengthen your faith so you will be able to stand together with other in Christ. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



July 5, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you have been enjoying the Holiday. We had a wonderful time at the lake over the weekend, and God worked the timing of everything so perfectly. We also enjoyed going to the Lighthouse yesterday and 7 of us went from family. This morning I did some catch up and made 2 spaghetti pies and a meat loaf etc. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
When we returned home yesterday, from our time with family at the lake, it was with full hearts.  I felt content and blessed and thankful for all that the Lord has given me in my life. So many relatives gathered together to swim, sauna, coffee, picnic, share, pray, laugh and love. Al and I stayed at our family’s comfortable cabin we call the Silver Chateau that is so near the water’s edge and best of all, with indoor plumbing. We slept in a little later in the morning, awakening to the sound of birds singing their wake-up song. We had time to get to know my nephew that we had never met before, and for most of the family never knew existed. He was welcomed in with open arms and hearts by all. We had times of deep sharing and prayer and other times of hilarious laughter as we reminisced. All of this was a gift of God’s grace and we must not take for granted the blessings of each day.
The apostle Paul was a grateful person and thanked the Lord for his numerous blessings of salvation, of the faith of his followers, of strength given him to preach the Good News, of the love of the saints etc.; but he was also thankful for the trials and persecution he received that God used to further the gospel and gave him grace to endure. In his final word to the Thessalonians when he writes to them in I Thess. 5:16-18 (ESV) he says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 
It is easier to rejoice and give thanks in the setting I experienced over the weekend, but we are also to give thanks even in adverse circumstances. When we go through a hard time, we aren’t necessarily aware at the time of the good God plans to work through our circumstance, but He always deserves our thanks for who He is. With each and every trial we face, He promises to walk with us through it and  gives us strength and endurance. So let us be people of faith who give thanks in all circumstances from hearts that over flow with gratitude.
Challenge for today: Spend some time just thanking the Lord for your present circumstances. 
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy


Scars in Heaven

Recently I was very touched by Casting Crowns’ new single, “Scars in Heaven.”  When I first heard it online, I cried like a baby.  It was the chorus that broke me:

The only scars in Heaven, they won’t belong to me and you

 There’ll be no such thing as broken and all the old will be made new 

And the thought that makes me smile now even as the tears fall down

Is that the only scars in Heaven, yeah, are on the Hands that hold you now.

I had Judy come and listen together with me while I cried some more and held her.  Why?  It was the words: “If I had only known the last time would be the last time/I would have put off all the things I had to do/I would have stayed a little longer, held on a little tighter/Now what I’d give for one more day with you.”  Then in verse 4: “Until I’m standing with you in the sun, I’ll fight this fight and this race I’ll run.”  

I read in The Christian Post of Mark Hall, the front man for Casting Crowns, sharing the story behind the song:  “I began to write the song [while] watching my mom care for her mom and dad as they were passing away.  They passed away within a year of each other.”  Hall notes, “There’s this moment when we are suddenly very aware of their absence… The world seems quieter.  You realize you’re not going to hear their voice again.”

Men, my testimony to you is that I love my wife more and more as we grow older.  I don’t know why.  I suppose it’s partly because we become more dependent on each other, knowing we are both in the “4th quarter” of our earthly lives. But I believe the biggest reason for my emotional shift is what Jesus has done for me in creating space in my heart to love my wife more deeply.

Men, my word to you is this: Don’t waste your best emotional energy, or let it keep you away from sharing your emotions with your wife.  I can only thank God and give Him the glory for the love he has given me for my wife and for the desire to share more and more of my heart with her.  Remember the words of the chorus: “Now what I’d give for one more day with you.” 

Your wife is a gift from the Lord, “The one who has found a good wife has found what goodness is and obtained a delightful gift from the Lord” (Prov. 18:22 NET).  “Good” can also mean “virtuous,” “kind,” “cheerful,” or “content.”  The word “goodness,” “describes that which is pleasing to God, beneficial for life, and abundantly enjoyable.”  A virtuous, cheerful wife is “a delightful gift from the Lord.”

Men, I confess that for years the desire in my heart was to share with my wife how much I cherish her.  But out of pride and stubbornness, words seemed to get stuck inside, left unspoken.  I didn’t allow myself to share words of affection.

Please, don’t do that to your wife.  Tell her how wonderful she is and mean it.  Don’t wait till tomorrow or for a bright, sunny, relational day.  Ask God to give you a new love for your bride – and cherish her.  You do not know what tomorrow will bring.  Remember the words, “Now what I’d give for one more day with you.” 

Possible application: leave 5-7 Post-It Notes around the house telling your wife why (and how much) you appreciate her.


July 3, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this holiday weekend and looks to be a nice sunny day today, but maybe not tomorrow. We are soon leaving for the cabin and stopping on the way to see a friend. My niece and her daughter are coming for coffee when we arrive and then brother and wife are coming for lunch. I am quite sure this afternoon will be swimming and then a picnic supper at the Point. We plan to stay overnight and go to The Lighthouse on Sunday. A full weekend! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Let Freedom reign! As we approach Independence Day celebration, we are reminded of our freedom won, not just of our nation, but of the freedom we have in the Lord. Paul says in Gal. 5:1 (God’s Word), “Christ has freed us so that we may enjoy the benefits of freedom. Therefore, be firm in this freedom and don’t become slaves again.” There was a tremendous cost to Jesus for our freedom but it is not to be spent on ourselves to do whatever we feel like it, whatever makes us happy at the time, but as he goes on to say in verse 13, “You were indeed called to be free, brothers and sisters. Don’t turn this freedom into an excuse for your corrupt nature to express itself. Rather, serve each other through love.” We were meant to love others and to find ways to serve them and win them to the Lord. The Message translation says that is how freedom grows. Paul further goes on to explain that we need to live our lives freely and motivated by the Spirit. We are not meant to live for ourselves but as the Holy Spirit directs us. Then life becomes so liberating and exciting as we let go of self-interest and live for God and to serve others.
If you think about it, aren’t the happiest people you know unselfish and looking for ways to help others? One friend from a church where Al was interim for a while, e-mails me of her joy as she works with the youth. When we were at the church and she was asked to give the children’s sermons, she responded by saying how blessed she was that she had that privilege. (I must admit I was relieved that I would not have to do it!)  She was prepared each Sunday and since then she has become in charge of Sunday school, youth group, VBS etc. She doesn’t consider it a chore but a delight and she gives of herself tirelessly and enthusiastically. It is not “I have to” as I sometimes feel but it is “I get to do this!” What an example she is to me and I’m sure to others too. 
 When we listen to the Holy Spirit and follow with obedience, there is wonderful fruit that is produced in our lives like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. May we all experience the wonderful freedom of going God’s way.
Challenge for today: Set aside your will and ask the Lord to help you freely serve others in love.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and Love, Judy


July 2, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy Holiday weekend! Hope you have a wonderful one. We will be going to the cabin tomorrow along with lots of relatives, some of whom are already up at the lake. Looking forward to that time together. This morning I made bars, wrote letters,  cleaned our apt. and did some packing.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
As we read scripture we are often challenged to change, to strip off some old attitude and behavior, and to become more like Christ. Jesus had a way of calling our attention to honest faith in ordinary people and showing us the contrast of our own hypocrisy like that of the Pharisees. We remember the woman who touched the hem of his robe in faith that she would be healed. Or the “sinful woman” who poured perfume over Jesus’ feet in love etc. Jesus had just told his disciples about the dangers of the Pharisees whose faith focused on the rules and outward behavior. He and His disciples then sat by the temple treasure and observed as a poor woman put in her offering of the two smallest coins. (The treasury was the place where donations were made for the upkeep of the temple) I wonder if the disciples thought, why this woman even bothered with such a small amount. Pastor Kyle Norman writes how Jesus’ comment must have surprised his disciples when He said in Luke 21:3-4 (ESV), “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” The widow didn’t call attention to herself but silently put in her offering with a heart longing for God. The Pharisees on the other hand, wanted to put on a big display so others would think well of him. 
Kyle mentions how big displays, even in times of worship today can mask our self-righteousness. We want to pray a perfect prayer, or praise from others more than from the Lord. Jesus wasn’t saying we all need to give away everything we own but wants us to notice that the widow was in essence, casting herself on the grace of God. It was not the amount of the gift but her heart focus. We can give thousands of dollars to the Lord but if it is disconnected from our faith, it does little good. Whether we give our time, money or talents it should represent the giving of ourselves and is a personal investment. The Lord looks at our heart. After seeing her offering, the disciples remark about the magnificent stones of the temple. The widow’s offering would be used for its ongoing glory but Kyle cautions us about having grandiose worship sites when they come at the expense of helping the poor. It’s not about focusing on the beauty of the church but also on providing for those outside.
 Hopefully this portion of scripture will cause us some self-reflection as we ask ourselves if we are more concerned about our own glory than His. Or do we think we are blessed in proportion to our worldly greatness? May we become more aware of our spirit in giving than in the dollar amount!
Challenge for today: Give to the Lord from a humble heart of faith and love.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

July 1, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a sunny day peace-filled day! This morning I made a big pot of stew and also more cookies on the stick for this weekend. Al and I went downstairs for coffee and muffins and this afternoon we have Bible Study here.
Devotions on Judy’s heart
Have you ever been to the Church of the Paul Bunyan Trail? I doubt it but Al and I attend nearly every day and come away uplifted. You might be wondering where is this church located and how many attend; so far there are only 4 regular members but many others who briefly come and go. The church is found wherever two or three are gathered in God’s name. The church is not a big cathedral but found in the Body of Christ gathered together in worship of our Lord. Each day Al and I go on the Paul Bunyan trail and we mostly share about the Lord as we walk along together. But one day Al made a humorous remark to a couple sitting on a bench along the trail and they weren’t quite sure what to think of him. Other days we passed them again and made conversation together each time. We got to know them a little more and one day David shared that they had just lost a son that month, his wife had memory problems and there were other trials in their lives. Al said we would pray for them but at the time we never realized how much that meant to them for they were going through so much. After that Al and I walked together the first half of our walk and then walked with them the last half each day. We began sharing together the beauty of God’s creation, and how we experienced the Lord. Sometimes it was a scripture shared, a song that spoke to us, a prayer that was answered, etc. We loved their openness to the Lord. Each day we felt so uplifted after our walk together for our hearts were being knit together and one day David shared it was just like, “Church of the Paul Bunyan Trail”. Since then, David has been doing some writing and part of what he wrote to Al expressed how he felt when he was a grieving father and felt overwhelmed in darkness. A small part of what he wrote said:
“Imagine no lifeline wandering in spiritual darkness, sinking in a runaway ship, no one to pray for you.
God thank you for bringing a spiritual counselor, whose faith and knowledge opens closed doors.
A light at night whose finest day is yet unknown.
Thank you, Jesus, for these blessings on me.”
He wrote to me also and I will cherish the words he expressed. Yes, each day we have church on the trail as we praise God together; I think of how sad it would be if we had passed up this opportunity that God sent our way. As King David sang in Psalm 145:2 (ESV), “Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever.”
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord for opportunities to share and fellowship with others along the way.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy





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