Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: July 2021 (Page 2 of 3)

July 21, 2021

Dear Ones,                                                                                                                                                    Hope you are having a beautiful day. I am making stroganoff and then will be off to my exercise class soon. This afternoon we have Craft time.                                                        Devotions from Judy’s heart                                                                                                                        We have friends from Washington coming next month to visit us and I was reminded of Tom when I read Sara Whitten’s words on about sailing. She shared about the picture of a sailboat that she saw at a hotel, with the words above saying, “You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.” For all of us, that means we have to do the adjusting!                              Our friend Tom made his own small sailboat and loves to sail on Washington lake which is 12 miles long. Recently he took his daughter and friend sailing and much to their surprise the small boat motor suddenly conked out. They were 3 miles from where they had launched and the wind was from the wrong direction so they had to tack (go zigzag) and it took 8 hours to finally get back to land. Not a day like they had planned but still enjoyed!         
 Maybe we are in a place where it seems nothing is happening and we feel stuck and frustrated. God doesn’t want us to give up but find the direction the wind is blowing and adjust our sails. Sara writes that it means we need to adjust the positioning of our hearts to be filled with joy from the Lord. It could involve trimming our sails and reducing the drag so we are not slowed and weighed down. Often that means letting go of even good things to pursue what God has for us now. We can ask Him where He wants us to put in our time and energy during this shifting so we don’t capsize spiritually. Even when there is not much wind or movement, we can use the time to prepare for when the wind comes again. We are not to go on autopilot but know there is purpose in the stillness. Usually, the wind increases in the afternoon and Sara recommends taking time to get spiritually fed in the Word early in the day so we are on “wind watch” and ready for what is ahead. During the calm we can look for little signs that our “gust” is coming so we are ready. Small sailboats like Tom’s are more responsive and easier to steer, than large ones that have lower maneuverability. Likewise, we need to embrace what the Lord is trying to teach us in the small steps and then it will help us in the big steps.                                                                   
  Perhaps we feel like the wind is gusting and the sails are flapping now and it seems chaotic but it is a transitional time and we need to make adjustments so we can soon be on our way. Then let us ask the Lord to fill our sails with His Holy Spirit, and as Paul prayed in Rom.15:13b, “so by the power of the Spirit you may abound in hope.”   
Challenge for today: Pray that the Lord will show you what needs to be trimmed and get ready for the wind of His Spirit to fill your sails.                                            Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

July 20, 2021

Deotions from Judy’s heart
Timing is everything! I read an article on Crosswalk by Mary Southerland about procrastination, which doesn’t seem like a big deal, but actually is a sin. Maybe it doesn’t sound so serious to put something off intentionally and say you will get back to it one day, but it is really saying no to the Lord. “Lord, I don’t really want to do it, at least not now, and I choose to do it in my own time, if ever.”
We have all witnessed seeing a mom tell her child to do something and then tell him again and maybe again, as no action happens. Even the people present get tired of hearing the repetition over and over again as the parent tries to get the child to do it. You want to just say, “Just go do it!” The child is using as much energy avoiding doing it, as he does if he were to just do it at the time. It results in the start of a bad habit, not only disobeying his parent but also the Lord.
If we are honest with ourselves, aren’t we often just like the child as we try to also avoid doing things that God has asked us to do? When we procrastinate, putting off what He clearly has told us to do, we are left feeling restless and guilty. Southerland says when God asks something of us it requires discipline and commitment to the Lord and when we disobey it is a sin. Good intentions without following through do not equal obedience. We are to seek the Lord’s will and His kingdom first as it says in Matt. 6:33 (ESV), “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” We need to seek to do things the way He desires for His Kingdoms sake. That means we don’t lag behind but also that we don’t jump the gun and do things before it is God’s timing. That is equally as bad, for obedience is doing things God’s way and in God’s timing.
 Challenge for today: Be on God’s time table and submit to His will and way.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



July 19, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend! We enjoyed having friends come for  the weekend and it  was a rich time with sharing together, praying, walking on the trail etc. They also got to meet and get acquainted with our trail friends that we walk with each day. God’s timing is perfect. I got to my exercise class this morning but it is going to be very hot for our walk this afternoon.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How we picture God, shapes the way we live each day. Throughout the years we have formed a picture of God and it influences how we react to life. If we think he is a hard judge, we will live carefully, much like walking on eggshells, trying to keep all the rules. If we think he is like Santa we will pray and believe He will give us whatever we want. But our inaccurate pictures of God can be redrawn and become more like we find in scripture; although He is mystery, we will never fully grasp all that He is. For a clearer picture, we can look at Jesus life and we find that He is love. John Powell compares His love to the nature of the sun that radiates warmth and light and never stops shining. It doesn’t matter if we are outside in the sun, or inside in a dark room, the sun still shines and doesn’t change. He compares it to the way God loves us and never stops; our part is to open up to be changed by His love. We are loved just as we are! 
I am reading a book by Trevor Hudson called Discovering our Spiritual Identity and he is a pastor in South Africa, an author and a spiritual guide. It’s been a slow process for him to come to really know in his heart that he is unconditionally loved by God. He has a burden to help others wake up and know they are beloved by God. Once when he was a speaker for a men’s group, he titled his talk, “The Subject Men Don’t Talk About.” No, it wasn’t what you may think, but shared from II Cor. 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” Our worth is not found in achieving great things, or what good things others may say about us or even what insights we get about ourselves. For even when we fail miserably, he keeps shining His love on us, like the sun. Jesus received His identity from His father who said at his baptism, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased. (Matt. 3:17) Because we are loved by God, we don’t need to prove our identity and worth to others but see ourselves as He sees us. We are set free when we know our worth doesn’t depend on what we do or don’t do because we are always lovable to God.
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord that He chose you and ask Him to reveal to your heart how He sees you.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

Pillow Talk

Like many of you, my bride and I engage in pillow talk as we drift off to sleep.  It typically covers a wide array of subjects.  Never are the conversations very long since we’re both usually tired.  On one particular night, though, my wife simply stated, “You really have been changing.”  I was totally caught off guard. 

So, of course, I asked, “Where do you see that happening?”  Below is a summary of what she said.  And while it is positive, it also reflects where I haven’t been at my best: 1) being more sensitive, 2) willing to help more, 3) putting her down less, 4) offering more words of endearment, 5) telling her she’s needed in my life, and 6) more willing to seek forgiveness. 

That was the list volunteered by my wife. Your wife’s list might be very different from mine.  But hopefully we’re all in the process of becoming more of who we ought to be as husbands and life partners.  Men, this comes after 55 years of marriage. But our recent pillow talk was like “honey” to my soul.  “Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body” (Prov. 16:24).   

When someone close offers unsolicited feedback regarding positive relational change, it tastes like honey. Why?  Because it was the Lord working in our lives, bringing the change, without our awareness that we’re really making progress.  That, men, is real change. 

On another note, here’s a short list of what I still need to continue working on with my bride: 1) justifying myself, 2) tending to blame, 3) ignoring her, 4) doing things out of my own strength, and 5) being insensitive to her emotional needs.  What’s on your list?

Here are five challenges in my spiritual life that I now see are helping me become a better husband, even after all these years.

First, becoming more aware that Jesus is at the center of all my life, beyond all the clutter and distortion.  Col. 3:3 tells us, “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Thomas Keating observes, “Instead of going away, God simply moves downstairs, so to speak, and waits for us to come and join him.” I am often reluctant to go into the basement because of all my dirty linen.  

Secondly, knowing more that I am accepted and loved even at my worst. “Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.  If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love (I John 4:18 NLT).   Because I am loved, I can come out of hiding and lovingly engage with my wife. 

Thirdly, allowing my diseased attitudes and distorted images to be brought into the light.  I need to see them for what they are and how they affect my relationship with my wife. 

Fourthly, learning to share what comes into awareness without having to dig up the past, but rather acknowledging what is right before me.  It may not make sense to my male understanding, but I need to say what I am experiencing here and now.  My wife needs to hear it, because she has felt the effects in our relationship. 

Fifthly, and most importantly, confessing my sins to Judy and seeking her forgiveness.  I do this by praying with her, so she can forgive me and I can hear her declare that I am forgiven.  Men, we are not very good at forgiving ourselves. It is a real release to hear it from your wife.   

July 17, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Our friends arrived for retreat yesterday and after dinner we spent all evening catching up, sharing, laughing, praying and enjoying fellowship together. This morning  they are having private time alone with the Lord before we go out for dinner. Not sure yet how the rest of our day will unfold as we want to be open to whatever the Lord has planned.
Devotions from Judy’s  heart
The longer I live the more I realize that life is all grace. Our lives are grace-filled because of what God has given us. Paul says in Eph. 2:8-9 (ESV) For by grace you have been saved through faith. And it is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” God’s grace is poured out to us daily and in so many countless ways. We must be humble recipients and know that we don’t deserve anything, but all is a gift.
The other day a Fed X man came to our door and handed me a gift of flowers. I thanked him and then suddenly thought, who would be giving me flowers as it was not my birthday or any special occasion. I looked down at the address which was correct but the name was wrong, as they were for someone else. I quickly told the delivery man that he had the wrong person and he took them back to try to locate the right recipient. The gift was for someone else and I ought to be glad for that person, as after all, I had done nothing to deserve them. But just yesterday, when friends came to our place for a time of retreat,  what were they carrying as they came through the door? A a beautiful arrangement of flowers in a floral vase. This time it was for me. Again, I had not earned them but I received the gift with joy.
I was reminded that God doesn’t owe us anything but because of his grace He pours out His love and lavishes us with so many gifts. We won’t be envious of others if we recognize that we are not entitled, we did not earn them, and we don’t deserve them. But when they do come, and even if a gift comes to someone else first, we are filled with gratitude. All that we have is unmerited and totally a gift. We can rightly respond to His grace by also extending grace to others in our words, our deeds, and in showing gratitude and forgiveness etc.
There is a song that is all about the marvelous grace of our loving Lord, grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt… grace that pardons and cleanses within… and grace that is for all who believe.
Let us all freely receive His grace!
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for His grace on your life and bestow that grace to others.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


July 16, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you and hope you have time to get refueled. This morning I cleaned and did food prep as we are looking forward to having friends come for a retreat weekend later on today. He will be also be sharing with the missions committee on Sunday. Yesterday we enjoyed a visit from Kurt and Brenda as they were on their way to the Silver Chateau. Timing was perfect as Al was through leading Bible Study when they came.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How do we know God’s will in our lives when we are questioning a big decision that needs to be made or even small situations in our lives that we have to respond to? Recently I heard from a mom who is needing to know which way God is leading her as her decision not only affects her but family as well. Such times we need to get away with the Lord in quiet so we can hear His voice above the other voices that may seek to persuade us in a certain direction. God invites us to seek Him for all our questions and as David prayed in Psalm 25:4-5(ESV), “Make your ways known to me, O Lord, and teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, because you are God, my Savior, I wait all day long for you.”
God’s answers come in varied ways; sometimes we get a scripture that just seems to light up and answers the need we have. Other times God may use a godly counselor or friend and their words seem to hit the mark. We may also just get  a sense in our spirit and have peace in the direction we are moving towards.
This morning I shared with the mom, the example of our son. Kurt, who had a God-incidence recently. One day as he came home, he suddenly realized his billfold was missing and tried to backtrack where he had been. He searched the car three times from top to bottom three  and looked all over the house to no avail. Brenda called and canceled their debit card, and finally after hours of looking high and low, Kurt just sat down and prayed intensely for the Lord’s help. What came to mind was the garbage, which seemed rather unlikely to him but he went to search anyway. He examined everything carefully and when he finally got to the bottom, he could feel his billfold. Happy Day!! There it was and what a relief. Perhaps one of the kids cleared the counter and something was on top of the billfold, who knows? But there the answer was! PTL!
At the close of writing to the mom who had the question, I told her that whenever I wonder if I am hearing correctly, I ask the Lord to confirm to me His way, that I may know in my heart if I am going right. I recalled that I was awakened last night, wondering also about a decision I was to make and asking God to confirm what I thought He was saying. When I went to my e-mails, the first one I read, answered it exactly. Lord you are so faithful!
Challenge for the day: Go to the Lord with all your questions and wonders and quietly listen to Him speak.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy



July 15, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a peace-filled day! This morning I made a cherry cheese cake pie and veggie stir fry  and went down for donuts. Our son and daughter-in-law from Kansas are soon stopping by on their way to the lake. We have Bible study here this afternoon and then I have women’s study at church tonight…a full rich day. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I love to eat and I love to fix healthy meals! I also love to read about foods that are good for our bodies and find recipes full of good nutrition. But when does our focus on eating become gluttony? I am reading a book by Dennis Okholm on “Dangerous Passions, Deadly Sins”; he is an Anglican pastor and teaches at Fuller Seminary and Azusa Pacific University. He writes about gluttony, the first of the common eight deadly sins listed centuries ago by a Evagrius, a desert monk, along with the other seven sins of avarice, vainglory, lust, anger, sadness, despondency and pride. They can be called principal faults or vices, but the common root in all of them is self-love. 
Eating is a necessity for our health, of course, but we are not to be overly concerned and make a god of our belly! We hear so much about food and millions of Americans are on diets, spending $35 billion on weight loss diets and products. But gluttony is not just about overeating as some overweight people are not gluttons and some thin people are. In fact, we can be gluttonous about pleasures and material things too. When we eat more than necessary and get so taken up by the pleasure of eating that it turns us away from God, then eating becomes a perversion. Satan even tried to  get Jesus to turn the stones into bread when he was hungry in the wilderness, but it didn’t work. Gluttony has more to do with how we consume food. Do we pay too much attention to food and gorge ourselves and not savor it?  Is it a status symbol to try to outdo the hostess of the last dinner party we went to? Do we make sure others know we went to an expensive restaurant and have tasted exotic foods? Overconcern for food can become an idolatry. It is not the food itself that is the problem but all the thought we give to our eating. There are so many food shows on TV  now that we can get consumed with food to the neglect of other responsibilities and seek to have our longing for God fulfilled in eating. Anything we use to displace God in our lives becomes an idol. When we find our rest and peace in Him, our cravings for food will be held in check too. 
Let us put our focus on the Lord, enjoy and savor meal times, and increase our appetite for the Lord. Only He satisfies our heart hunger! “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matt. 5:6 (ESV)
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for your food and savor every bite!

July 14, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day. This morning I did food prep, made egg dishes etc. and went to Aldi’s and to my exercise class. I’m going to creative crafts now and Bible study tonight. Ann may stop by this afternoon on her way back from the cities.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Our lives are so blessed and full when we walk through life with the Lord and in the light of His presence. Today as I was having devotions, it seems like all the passages I turned to had to do with listening to His voice and following in obedience. Our need is to have open ears to listen if we are to know what His will is before we can obey. But sometimes we don’t really want to hear as we think the Lord will ask something too hard of us or we simply want our own way. We are warned not to turn a deaf ear but to listen. In Heb. 3:7-8a & 12 (NRSV) it says, “Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, ‘Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion…Take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you may have an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.” God wants our obedience and not hardened hearts.
 I read that Henry Nouwen felt that “the noise of our lives made us deaf, and unable to hear when we are called, or from which direction.” He felt our spiritual life was a pilgrimage from deafness to listening. Sometimes in our busyness we simply don’t dial down to be quiet enough to hear His voice and to know what the Lord asks of us.  We also need to ask ourselves, do we really want to know what He is saying or do we turn a deaf ear because we are so busy doing our own thing and want our own way. I think we all struggle even as we pray, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Maybe we think what God is asking of us is impossible but we must remember we have God’s power and it is not dependent on us. Mary was asked an impossible thing when the angel appeared to her and yet she didn’t question but simply said, “Be it according to your will!” We can trust God and He will give us what we need at the time we need to accomplish His will. Let us not listen to the negative talk the enemy sends but open our hearts and claim God’s promises. He will take care of the rest.
Challenge for today: Pray for hearing ears and an open heart that is willing to go God’s way.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

July 13, 2021

Devotions from Judy’s heart
Aren’t we glad that the Lord doesn’t dismiss us because we make mistakes? All of us must admit we have made many of them and there are times I am reminded of something I did that was really not good. How I wish I had a chance to do it over and choose the right way, the right words, the right attitude. There are times we may be given a second chance when we have blown it, and John Mark was one of them. He was a quitter and didn’t follow through but fortunately he learned through his mistake. I was reading from the book of Acts how Paul and Barnabas took John Mark with them on their first missionary journey. John Mark didn’t last long and at their second stop, he left them and returned to Jerusalem. Scripture doesn’t say why he left and we could wonder if he got homesick or ill or wasn’t ready for such a big commitment. We don’t know. Barnabas was his uncle and later suggested they take him on another missionary journey but Paul flatly refused and called him a deserter who lacked courage. Mark ended up going with Barnabas who encouraged him and later on he also again joined Paul who came to respect him. That tells us John Mark learned valuable lessons and didn’t dwell on his past.
 What about us? Do we think we have committed so many blunders that God can’t use us and we have to be put on the shelf? Barnabas evidently didn’t think that about John Mark who later wrote the book of Mark. Scripture is full of other examples of those who flubbed up big and yet they learned from their mistakes and went on to accomplish great things for His kingdom. But God tells us in Isaiah 41:13 (The Message), “Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.” And even when we make mistakes and fail, He will forgive us and help us up again.
Challenge for today: The next time you make a mistake, ask forgiveness and then get up and get going.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy




July 12, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you had an enjoyable weekend. Yesterday we had dinner with a guy who was in our first youth group and heard the story of his faith walk. What a blessing of God’s faithfulness. This morning I went to my exercise class and also  made blueberry Crumble and blueberry muffins that went in the freezer for upcoming guests. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Do we want to grow, grow, grow spiritually? We might think it be great if we latched on to a ten-step plan of how to become spiritually mature overnight, but of course that doesn’t exist. We don’t all grow in the same way and at the same rate. I remember when I was growing up, and reading plans of the way we should pray or how we should conduct our quiet time, and I thought I had to do it that exact way; but it doesn’t work the same way for everyone. Some like to pray as they walk and others in their favorite chair in a quiet place etc.  The way we relate to the Lord can also change in the seasons of life. When we lived on the lake, I took long prayer walks alone but now I walk with Al on the Paul Bunyan trail that others use, and my time with the Lord is more hidden in my place of study.  Some keep prayer journals and others do not. Some memorize whole chapters of the Bible and others do only a verse at a time. It is freeing to just let the Holy Spirit direct each of us and the bottom line is that maturity is found in a person and not a plan. 
 As the Lord transforms us into being more like Him, it takes time and our part is not to take charge and figure it all out but to follow how He leads us and obey. In fact, when we keep track of how well we measure up, it is most likely for the wrong reason as we may want to look more spiritual to others, and pride sets in. Our focus is to be on the Lord and he treats us all as individuals and knows us better than we know ourselves. Love has many facets and ways of expressing, and it is not the same from day to day or the same as for others. That makes our relationship with Him, ever new and exciting and satisfying. We never know what each day or moment will hold; but we know that if we don’t seek to control but let Him lead, life in Him is fresh and alive and we grow in our love for Him. He is all that we have been searching for and growth will naturally take place. Let us live today in Him and enjoy the pleasure of His presence.  Then we will put to practice Peter’s words as he  closed his second letter that he wrote to followers of Jesus, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”  (II  Peter 3:18 ESV)
Challenge for today: Take time to enjoy the Lord in a new way today.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


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