Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: August 2012 (Page 3 of 4)

August 13th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

Al just had a birthday and I have a milestone birthday coming up in a couple weeks. The clock keeps ticking away and we are all getting older, even though we have not given permission for that to happen.
As we drove to Brainerd the other day there was a gorgeous flaming red tree in the midst of other trees that had barely started to turn their autumn colors. It stood out above all the rest in its brilliance and was like a sign post to me. Even as we are aging, we can be a light and flame to others that can cause them to seek the Lord. Yes, autumn comes to all of us and we will die, but we can shine in a brilliant color to bring Him glory. The Psalmist said in Ps. 71,”Do not cast me off in the time of old age forsake me not….O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.”  Our last days can be our best days, if we allow His Spirit to shine through us and proclaim His power to those who follow.

August 11th


 Devotions from Judy’s heart

As we watch the Olympics, many of the Olympians make it look easy on the balance beam, on the high dive, or jumping the hurdles etc. But if you asked any of them, they could tell you how hard they have trained and what they had to give up in order to compete. They may have dreamed of winning the gold since they were small children. But if they had not disciplined themselves and trained, they would not be competing now. It takes a lot of hard work and we dare not try going on the balance beam if we haven’t trained, or dive off the high platform without practice. Sometimes we can look at other Christians we admire and respect and think how easy it is for them….but we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, the battles they have been through, and the training that has been required.  But like Paul said  (I Cor.9 the Message) “You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after the one that’s gold eternally. I don’t’ know about you, but I’m running hard for the finish line. I’m giving it everything I’ve got. No sloppy living for me! I’m staying alert and in top condition. I’m not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.” Let us be in the place God has for us and submit ourselves to His disciplines, running hard, with our eye on the eternal Gold!

Simplicity And “Stuff”

     I have been thinking a great deal about simplicity these last couple of weeks.  You see, Judy and I invested in a new boat ( Tracker – pro choice – v-16sc).  This boat and the lift that will be needed to care for the boat has complicated my life.  I consider Judy and I a “monk and a nun” here on the lake.  I would be content with my 14′, 1973 crestline (with 15 horse Evinrude).  But after a “family council” it was decided that this would be a great addition to the lake experience for the whole family.  So I have been on a crash course regarding boat ownership and management.  The words of the 19th century Shaker hymn  reminds us of the call to the good life, full of joy. “Tis a gift to be simple, ’tis a gift to be free, ’tis a gift to come down where we ought to be.”  The challenge for me is to  have “stuff” while “coming down where I ought be”, that is, content with my life.   So what am I learning about simplicity?
     First, I have been thinking about lifestyle.  Should we invest in this boat?  How will this look on the lake – a monk riding a tracker?  How will I take care of this new investment?  Men, having a contented, grateful and joyful lifestyle is not easy to maintain in our materialistic culture.  Men seem to struggle with this when it comes to “stuff” in their lives.  Each of us has to come before the Lord with “open hands” when it comes to our finances and possessions.  Only you know what is right for you.  It will be different for each man.  We can come to peace regarding a godly lifestyle, while still enjoying what God has given us.  It will not be easy since we can easily be envious, while making comparisons.  
       Secondly, I am seeing how “stuff” can complicated one’s life.  Giving up a boat that takes little time and attention for a new and bigger boat has made my life complicated, since I haven’t thought about maintaining and using a better boat.  It has caused me worry,  frustration, and certainly some preoccupation.  In other words, it caused my mind and attention to be focused on “stuff” rather then on the Lord.  Stuff can easily take time, talent and resources that focus more on self then God.   I justify my new “stuff” based on the family experience on the lake as being an investment in the future for my family.  Each of us have to know before the Lord how much “stuff” is acceptable for our lifestyle.  Remember each will be different.  There are good Christian guys, for example, who have much more “fishing and hunting stuff” then I do.  
         Thirdly, contentment is vital in our walk with Jesus.  Contentment is being at peace with your lifestyle. Paul put it this way, “I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances.  I’ve just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little.  I’ve found the recipe for being happy, whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty.  Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am” (Phil. 4:11-13 – The Message).  Contentment is having a satisfied heart, a restful soul, and a grateful spirit.  There is joy in knowing we have “enough” no matter how much or little we have.  You will have to continually monitor your own heart, to see that your “stuff” does not become a kind of idol that you cannot do without.  Remember to live with open hands and not a closed fist. Your stuff will not make you happy.  Happiness is found in being content in the Lord and his will for you.  

August 10th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

We received a letter this week from a “Special friend” in Des Moines.. While we were at our church there, we had several “Special People” that attended, and they usually sat with me in the pew. When we moved away, Caroline wrote letters to us and after all these years she continues to write often. She prints her letters and usually they say the same thing each time. She always includes, “I love Jesus…. I go to church… I love you….You are good to me….Your are my friend…. ….write to me back soon.”   Now this appears very simplistic but doesn’t it say it all?   Most importantly she loves Jesus first and spends time each week in church. Then she expresses love for us and lets us know we are important to her. She also wants a response and asks that we write back and share with her. Our lives are filled with so many words, but when you remove the “fluff”, what is important?  First that we receive God’s love and love Him in return. Secondly that we reach out to others and show them His love. Thirdly, we receive from others what God gives through them to us.  Everything else is secondary when we get the basics.  Let us get our priorities straight that He is first, others second and ourselves third.  Jesus said it simply in reply to the Pharisees in Matt. 22:  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And a second is like it You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

August 9th


 Devotions from Judy’s heart

Last weekend on our 7 ½ hour trip to Michigan I slept at least 5 of those hours. I could not keep awake and was so groggy….maybe just catching up from family time during the month of July. I was in a deep sleep and had several dreams. The only time I woke up was to eat or when we stopped for gas.  Today when I read from Mark 13 about the end times, over and over again Jesus reminds his followers to ‘Keep awake, be on guard, stay awake.”   It is important to be alert and awake spiritually and not be drowsy and groggy and half asleep. As we wait for His coming, we need to be seeking the things of His kingdom, sharing His love with others, and not just putting our lives on hold. By the time we got to Michigan I felt alert and refreshed and functioning again, and was so glad. May we daily be awake and not on “auto-pilot” but filled with zeal.

August 8th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

How easy it is to tell God how we think He should do things according to our own preferences.  Each of us may have in mind what we think is a perfect worship service or the best way to do something. But the problem is not everyone else will agree with us, for they have their own preference.  Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone in church agreed upon the same kind of worship music, or the best way to conduct things?  Just this past weekend in Michigan at the 125th Anniversary of Immanuel church, I was very comfortable with the temperature at the banquet. But I noticed the pastor was not…he was hot and sweating profusely and had to mop his face often. But overnight the weather changed and at the outdoor service the next day, I was very cold and he was comfortable. Even though I had several layers of clothes on, I was freezing and he felt great in his short sleeved cleric shirt. After the service he told me he was sorry as he could tell how cold I was, but it was great weather for him. Isn’t it good that God does things according to His divine purpose and plan and not just the way we want?  As it says in Isaiah 45, it is not up to the clay to question the potter and tell him what to make. Let us be content with how He does things, even when it is not up to our personal preference.

August 7th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

I’m sure we have all met people that left a lasting imprint on our lives. When we were in Michigan we met the pastor of Immanuel Lutheran at their 125th anniversary celebration. I was struck by the warmth and love that he expressed to all those around him. He went out of his way to help us all to feel at home and truly has a Pastor’s heart.  He seemed to live in the present moment and was relaxed as he connected with others. When he preached he needed no notes and gave all the glory to God for the 125 years that God was with their church.  He cautioned us not to wish to go back to “The good old days” but to enter into what the Lord has for us now. Although he gave a wonderful sermon, it is God’s love flowing through Him that touched me.  It made think of Matt. 5:16 that I learned as a child,” Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”  Pastor’s light shines so brightly!

August 6th

Devotions from Judy’s heart  as I sat by Lake Superior

At Presque Isle I looked out at a large island and some inlets but couldn’t see on the other side.  Everything looked so beautiful in the morning mist but much was hidden too. I thought of Glory and the remainder of my days on earth. I can’t foresee how they will play out and what is ahead, but there is peace and quiet rest. In Prov. 27 it says we do not know what a day may bring forth. But we know we are to number our days and to gain a heart of wisdom.( Ps. 90:12)  May we use each earthly day to prepare  for the glory that awaits us some day.  It is on the other side, like the island view, but because we know Him, we know the best is yet to come.

August 4th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

This morning Al and I drove to Presque Isle where we have spent many mornings in the years past.  It is a special holy place to us, as God has often spoken to us there, giving us direction for the future. In between the dark clouds, we saw the sunrise over Lake Superior and made Prov. 4 come alive.  “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day…Let your eyes look straight ahead and fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.”  This is a good word for the present and also for the future full light of day.

August 3rd

Devotions from Judy’s heart

I just got back from sweeping the deck, patio, and long steps down to the lake. Also, did some weeding as I see greens peeking up between the rocks where they shouldn’t be.. Today I am still catching up as I have let things go for over 3 weeks in order to spend time playing with the grandkids. There is a price to pay when you take a vacation though as it takes longer now to get things back in order. Plus, we had drop- in company and things were certainly not too neat or tidy!   I thought of how easy it is to let things slip by in our spiritual lives and say we will deal with them later. Doesn’t seem too serious at first but soon things accumulate and we feel like we are overrun. But we have a choice and can face things as they come, for we are promised grace to deal with each challenge. He wants us to lean into Him and allow Him to lead us through everything that we encounter, confident in His strength. We may find we will grow stronger and we won’t feel so scattered, like when we let things go on and on. May we allow the Spirit free reign to help us deal with everything we face each day.  “ Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord you God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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