Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: June 2012 (Page 3 of 3)

June 11th


 Devotions from Judy’s heart

Sometimes things are not as they seem and we need to look deeper. When we go to a public pool, the water looks so great and inviting and clean. But studies show how many contaminates there are in the water and that 1 out of 4 (that were honest) said they urinate in the water.  But the lake that has weeds, lilies, fish, crabs etc is actually far cleaner. As I looked from the dock deep into the water, I thought of how this water looks more “dangerous” but actually is far safer and clean.  That is often how it is spiritually as we need to look beyond the surface things to know what things are good for our spirit and which things are not.  Too often we look at the outward appearance and make a judgment but we need to look deeper and discern. When Samuel anointed David to be king, he had to bypass all his brothers, that looked perfect to his natural eye…but he waited for God to show him as He knows the heart. ( I Sam.16:7)  “For the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Let us not quickly judge a situation, but seek the Lord and ask for discernment.

June 9th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

Sometimes things get worse before they get better. A couple weeks ago I did some deeper cleaning. I pulled out the screens, dusted the blinds and base boards, and washed the windows.  I was hoping no one would stop over as it was a mess with all the cleaning supplies, vacuum ete.  Even in the mess good things were in process. In fact one Pastor, when asked what he liked best about the church said, “The Mess!”  The church is messy and we are all messy and need constant cleansing. I was surprised at the cobwebs, dust and dirt that seemed to form so quickly. But oh it felt so good when they were all back in place and sparkling clean. Let us remember our need for cleansing and not just notice someone else’s “dirt”!  And we have the promise in Micah 7:19 that He will “cast all our ins into the depths of the sea.”  How great is that?!!!

June 7th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

Yesterday we were in the cities and after our dermatology appointments I had a chance to shop. I always ask the Lord to lead me as there is a whole mall full of sales and it is like a scavenger hunt to find where they are hiding! I had a list for the grandkids of things their moms said they needed but not a lot of time, as it took longer at the dermatologist. But it is so neat to see how the Lord just guides when we ask Him. I went to one store and one thing ($25) was marked down to $1 and others that were similar were marked $4…the clerk gave them all to me for $1!  Each thing on my list was on sale and I just kept thanking the Lord and trying to use my time wisely. I was about to leave Macy’s but decided to go over to the far end of the men’s dept and there were things for  $28 that were marked down to $1.74.  I bought half the rack as they were on my list! When Al came to pick me up, I was so excited to tell him. But we always have to be on the alert as in one store the clerk “cheated” me on 3 items and I had to go back and let another clerk make it right. We need to always be alert as when we are rejoicing in the Lord, the enemy wants to sabotage us. I was so happy over the good sales that I almost missed the error. So let us keep awake for the enemy is always lurking around seeking to rob us.  As is says in I Peter 5, “Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up.”

June 8th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

On Al’s way to church for the Men’s group a couple days ago, two deer were ahead of him in the middle of our gravel road. He honked at them, but they just kept running in front of the car for about 200 yards, until they finally went into the woods. They were in danger and were warned by the horn, but didn’t take heed. I thought of how we may be doing things that we have been warned against and yet we can persist. As we think back over our lives, we may all have had times that we were given a warning signal but just kept on in our own way, only to suffer the consequences. Why didn’t we pay attention right away? It would have saved us a lot of grief. But hopefully we learn, and when those “warnings” and promptings of the Spirit come, that we pay attention to go His way. As the familiar song goes, “Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Hold o’er my being absolute sway! Fill with thy Spirit,” ‘Til all shall see Christ only, always, living in me!”

June 7th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

While reading Steve Smith’s book, “The Jesus Life”, I was again reminded how important it is to take time to be quiet and go apart as Jesus did. He would engage the crowds but then He always made time to rejuvenate with time alone with his Father. Luke describes one day in Jesus life for us to follow that involved “ first solitude; then community, where we share what happens in our solitude, and then work where we give out of full hearts to a needy world.”  We can’t give without times to receive and we cannot give what we do not have. When we are quiet and still it is easier to hear Him and our souls are nourished. We need to pay attention to what is going on in our inner and outer world. So I just sat on the dock in quiet and took in my world around me and in me. For the first time, I noticed that the lilies that had been forming underwater the day before were now showing above the water. The Lady Slippers were blooming near by that I had also missed. As we see the need for quiet, I believe the Lord wants us to give us a healthy rhythm to our lives that is life giving …where we are not stressed out but life is abundant and full. As it says in Matt. 11: “Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show your how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

What about Desires

I have referred to James Houston in previous posts.  When I was beginning to enter the deep stream of  historic spirituality, with its emphasis on spiritual formation and direction, Dr Houston was my shining light.  I consider him my mentor in the faith over the last 20 years.  In his book “Heart’s Desire” he makes this statement, “The unsatisfied longing for God is what drives human beings above all else.”  I have been pondering longings and desires as I prepare for another “wildman Saturday” here at canaan.  The talk of desire, longings and especially passions has been a difficult area for me and most men I have known.  Christian men can be confused and troubled by desires. Yet the Psalmist exhorts us with these words, “Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desire of your heart.”

So what about deep desires?  They are the result of being created in the image of God.  God has so constituted a man to have deep desires.  They are not to be denied. These desires are meant to lead to intimacy with God.  That’s why they are desires.  “The journey of desire” observes David Benner,”may lead us to byways and cul-de-sacs, but if we follow it we will utimately be led to the Divine Beloved.  We may not know what it is we long for but our deepest longings are God given because they always point toward the Divine.”  I want to say an “amen” to his observation.  I spend a lot of years trying to either deny or feel shame about some of my deepest desires.  But since I have befriended my desires, embraced them, and examined them in the awareness of God’s love for me, I have tasted more freedom and authenticity.  It causes me to be more fully alive, rather than trying to be in control.

So I have two observation about desires.  First you are a man with deep desires and passions.  Some are good and some are not very pleasing in God’s sight.  But guess what!  God sees the “fire in your belly.”  He knows that there is a lot of sorting out to do.  You are a product of background with a unique story to tell.  You have “molten desires” that have affected you and others around you.  Don’t live in denial or in some kind of spiritual improvement program to get control.  You will never be able to do it.  My advice is to let it all out before the Lord – the good, the bad and the ugly.  Bring it all into the light, allowing God to sort out your confused cauldron of desires.  Listen to Paul advice in Ephesians, “Expose these things for the sham they are.  It’s a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see.  Rip the cover off those frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ” (Eph 5:11-12 – The Message)

The second observation is that of trying to crucify our passions and desires.  That is what I was doing during my early years of walking with the Lord.  I didn’t know any better; there was no teaching or any mentor to help me.  But thankful I learned through the rich spiritual tradition that there are passions and desires that are from God.  Many of the great mystics who have so deeply influenced to tradition were passionate lovers of God.  Yes, there are disorder desires that need to brought into the light.  But in this blog I want to shout it out.  “Allow yourself to taste your deepest desires.”  Don’t go around trying to be this niece, docile man of God.  You have God given passion that is to be expressed uniquely through your personality and life story.  Yes, you fill face some cross currents of disordered desires, but you will also begin to sense your unique godly drive and passion.  Go for it, even when the seas get little rough as you shift through what is godly and what is ungodly. Come out of that cave of darkness and into the liberating light of God’s love and grace found in Jesus.

June 5th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

The other day I took a prayer walk to the Point and I was surrounded by dragonflies the whole time. I felt like “Pigpen” in the Peanuts column that had a film of dirt around him. But Dragonflies are not bad for they eat mosquitoes, and I didn’t have one bite the whole time I was at the Point. Instead of visualizing them as an irritation, I saw them as an army going before me and freeing the way. Sometimes there are“intrusions”  in our lives and we immediately think it is a bad thing. But if we look deeper, maybe they are really things God is using to do a work in our lives and give protection from other things. He has a plan and purpose for each of us and uses many things to get us where we need to be. As it says in Ps. 138:8: “The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.”   May God finish his work in each of our lives!

June 4th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

On Friday I made a call to Linnea as I had wanted to bring over a meal after her surgery but got their answering machine. I thought she hadn’t come home from the hospital yet, so later in the day I walked over to her house to water her plants. And much to my surprise, there she was outside watering. She was not only home but had invited me over for coffee, but I had not gotten her message. Later I heard it on our answering machine, and had never checked it. It doesn’t have a beep like the old one, so we often miss a message at the time. But as it ended up she and I connected and had a time to catch up as we sat outside in the sun. I wonder how many messages we miss that God sends but we don’t check with Him as we are so busy.  Maybe we don’t want to hear what He has to tell us for we want to do our own thing. Sometimes we may just forget. But whatever the reason, we may be missing out on great things He has in store for us. I just happened to show up at the time Linnea had suggested, but if I had come sooner, I would have awakened her from a much needed nap.  It pays to “listen” to Him so we are in the right place at the right time.  As it says in Prov. 16 it says that “the Lord has made everything for its purpose,” and  we may have plans but the answer is from Him.

June 2nd


 Devotions from Judy’s heart

Yesterday I took a prayer walk to the Point and sat on the dock. It was a beautiful sunny day and as I sat there with my feet in the water, I was reminded of how I use to do that as a child.  I could see the beginnings of the lilies forming in the water, ducks near by and even a baby Heron who looked at me for some time from a short distance away. I thought of the changes in me since then and for I am no longer  a child anymore but an adult….. hopefully, have grown spiritually since those days too. In Hebrews 12 the author tells his Christian brothers and sisters that they should be on solid food, not just milk. “for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.”  Even though we are grown up, we still at times have childish responses and fleshly reactions…and maybe some “temper tantrums” too. But may we “grow up in every way into Him who is the head.” ( Eph. 4) and feed on solid food.

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